Chapter 7

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Today was the first flying lesson and I couldn't wait to get started. I already knew how to fly so I wasn't as nervous as the other first years. Just like in Potions, the lesson was with Slytherin and the teacher was Madam Hooch.

At breakfast, I could tell that Hermione was extremely nervous since she was reading a book all about tips on how to fly correctly from a book called 'Quidditch Through the Ages'.

"Hermione, you do realise you can't learn how to fly correctly from a book right?" I asked while looking towards the brown eyed girl.

"Of course I know that Y/N! I'm just trying to be prepared, not everyone is from a wizarding family like you y'know!" She snapped before returning to her book.

'Ouch, that actually hurt.' I thought before sighing and turning to Harry and Ron, Ron rolled his eyes whilst Harry look at Hermione shocked that she would just blatantly insult me. A few minutes later mail arrived and my family owl landed gracefully in front of me.

"Thank you Oswald." I said smiling towards the owl while giving him a treat before he flew off.

(A.N: You can change the name of the owl if you want, I just thought Oswald is a nice name for an owl makes him sound wise and majestic.)

There were two letters for me which I found interesting as I was only expecting one.

Dear Y/N

Sorry for not writing to you sooner son, I've been overloaded with work from the Ministry. You know what I say, an Aurors work is never over.

Anyway I heard you got into Gryffindor, congratulations my boy, me, Jack and Katie are all proud of you. I do have some bad news though, Lucius Malfoy stopped me at work the other day saying how you attacked and then threatened his son, is this true?

If so I urge you not to do it again, especially not to a Malfoy.

But overall I hope your loving your time at Hogwarts, we miss you.


Dad, Jack & Katie.

P.S - Your mother would be proud.

I scoffed at the last part of the letter. 'Yeah right' I thought as I moved onto the next letter which looked dirty and ripped.

Get strong boy, you will achieve greatness, you just don't know it yet.

I look forward to our first official meeting. Do not disappoint me.

I read the letter over and over again but still couldn't figure out who sent it or why.

"Look everyone, Neville got a Remembrall." Someone said as I placed the ominous letter into my robe pocket and began to get ready for the flying lesson.

At the flying lesson, I could tell almost everyone was nervous, most people had probably never flown before and some may of never seen a broomstick before.

As we got to our brooms Madam Hooch shouted "Stick out your right hand over your broom and say 'UP!'"

"UP!" I shouted as well as everyone else in the class. I was the first whose broomstick actually listened and shot up into my hand.

I noticed Hermione having what looks like an argument with her broom as I went over to help. Placing a hand on her shoulder I smiled and said softly "Block out everything around you and just focus on the broom, after you've focused solely on the broom then say 'up'."

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