Chapter 17

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"I need to show you something."

I groaned and rolled over so my back was facing him and attempted to go back to sleep, that didn't last long though as Harry had decided to physically push me out of bed, causing me to hit my bed on the table beside my bed.

"Son of a bitch!" I moaned as I rubbed my head, "What the hell Harry?"

"I said I need to show you something."

"Can't it wait?"


I groaned and got out of bed and put a black sleeveless top on, following Harry out of the dorm.

'Hermione's going to kill me when she finds out we've snuck out of the dorms after curfew.' I thought as we went under Harry's invisibility cloak he got from his father.

We snuck through the corridors unnoticed and entered an old looking room before Harry took the cloak off.

"So, what was so important that you had to drag me out of bed at..." I say looking at the watch 'Mione got me, "2:45 in the morning."

He pointed towards an old mirror.

"A mirror? Seriously Potter, if I wanted to look at myself I could've just gone to the toilets." I said in an annoyed tone.

"No look." Harry said dragging me toward the mirror, "Can you see them? My parents?"

"Harry your parents are de-"

"Dead, I know." Harry finished as I turned towards the mirror, "What do you see?"

I looked towards the mirror as my face and height began to shift, I was older and a lot muscular.

I looked towards the mirror as my face and height began to shift, I was older and a lot muscular

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(A.N: The cast will return to Chris Hemsworth when Y/N is older)

I looked wide eyed.

"Damn I look good." I said with a chuckle as another figure made its way into the reflection.

"Mom?" I whispered.

"Mom?" I whispered

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You Are The Reason [Hermione Granger x Male Reader] DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now