Chapter 12

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Harry, Ron and Hermione all walked back to the Common Room in an awkward silence. Harry felt bad for not sticking up for Y/N against Ron, Ron felt guilty about his comment towards Y/N's past and Hermione was worried and confused about what had happened while she was in the toilets and what could happen to Y/N.

"That was a dick move Ron." Harry finally spoke up breaking the silence.

Hermione looked towards Ron as he hung his head in shame.

"What happened after I left?" She said cautiously.

"None of your business Gran-" Ron snapped as Harry shut him up with a punch in the ribs.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have said that." The ginger haired boy muttered, "I'm also sorry about what I said about you earlier, Y/N was right, we haven't given you a proper chance yet."

Hermione smiled before asking, "What happened to your lip?"

"Umm I-I said something horrible to Y/N a-and he beat me up before running after you." He said stuttering before looking at the ground.

"What did you say?" Hermione said sounding annoyed.

"I umm I yelled 'Well why don't you go be her hero and save her. Oh wait you're not very good at saving people are you. Only standing by and watching them fall to the floor d-dead.'" He stuttered the last word.

Hermione stood there in shock, her face horrified as Harry looked at him with confusion.

"What did you mean when you said that?" Harry mumbled

Ron looked down and explained to them what had happened to Maria L/N.

Meanwhile Y/N sat in the Hospital Wing as his hand was being healed by Madam Pomfrey.

"You know full well that fighting is against the school rules L/N, I will have to punish you." McGonagall began as she looked at the boy.

Y/N simply nodded his head.

"You will be serving detention with Hagrid, he'll have some tasks for you to do." She said with a small smile, knowing that this will give Y/N to calm down and talk to an adult he likes.

"For how long?" He replied looking towards the Professor.

"Three days a week for a month." She said sternly, "I also want to see you and Mr Weasley getting along."

Y/N nodded and was sent back to the Common Room.


I walked slowly to the Common Room still angry at Ron, if he thinks I'll simply forget about this and become friends again then he's more delusional than I originally thought.

Mumbling the password I entered the Common Room, hearing a group of people talking among themselves.

"So after the attack a group of Aurors went into the house to find Maria L/N dead on the floor and Y/N unconscious against a wall." I heard Ron say as I clenched my jaw.

"My father told us when he got back from the Ministry that he met Y/N and his father Isaac L/N while they were being told what happened, he said that the look of disappointment Isaac had towards his son was enough to make anyone feel sorry for Y/N. Apparently, it made dad almost tear up." Ron finished as Harry and Hermione looked at him with shock and sadness.

"Having fun telling my life story Weasley?" I sneered, causing all three of them to jump at the sudden interruption.

"Y/N!" Hermione ran towards me, wrapped me in a hug and kissing my cheek.

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