Chapter 4

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"I don't understand who he is." Harry stated.

"He's who I think about when my husband is pleasuring m-" A random witch who was stood next to us said before Mr Weasley cut her off.

"Okay! Too much information!" He said waving his arms.

"Wonderful!" Harry said raising his eyebrows.

"He's this amazing wizard who writes about all of his adventures and the creatures he's encountered!" Hermione told him.

Y/N raised a confused eyebrow at Hermione as she smiled in delight.

They went in and found Mrs Weasley with Ginny and the twins grouped near the stairs waiting for the group to arrive.

"Thank you for the money you gave us Harry. We really appreciate it." Mrs Weasley said as the group walked up to them.

"It's no problem, there was no way I'd be able to spend it all anyway, besides, it looks like you're spending it well." Harry said, pointing at the brand new books and robes for all of the Weasley children.

Before anyone could say anymore, clapping erupted around the shop as Gilderoy Lockhart made his appearance. He walked in with his hands in the air, attempting to do a royal wave.

'What a dick' Y/N thought as he saw the cocky smile that resided on Lockhart's face.

A ton of witches, around Mrs Weasley's age, gathered around him and cheered as if he was the greatest thing to have ever walked the wizarding world.

"Calmly please ladies...don't push there...mind the books now..." said a scrawny wizard who was punching his way to the front of the crowd with his camera. "Watch it now...the is for the Daily Prophet!"

"So what!" Isaac mumbled as he rubbed the foot the photographer stood on.

It seemed Lockhart had heard him as he looked in their direction and noticed the boy with glasses and a scar on his forehead.

"It can't be-Harry Potter...what are the chances?!" Lockhart said proudly, "Bring him here!"

The photographer pushed back through the crowd and grabbed Harry by the arm and pulled him onto the stage

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The photographer pushed back through the crowd and grabbed Harry by the arm and pulled him onto the stage.

"Nice big smile now, Harry!" Lockhart said while pulling the boy to his side.

The camera flashed and Harry had to shield his eyes from the blinding light.

"Together we'll make the front page!" Lockhart stated, his pearly white teeth on full display.

You Are The Reason [Hermione Granger x Male Reader] DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now