Chapter 14

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Hermione POV:

"Budge up there, move along ev'ryone." I turned to see Hagrid shuffle through the crowd of Gryffindors, when he reached us he tapped Harry and Ron on the shoulders, which by the looks on their faces felt like being slapped across the back roughly.

"Hey Hagrid!" Harry shouted enthusiastically as the crowd cheered again.

"What 'ave I missed?"

"Not much, Y/N hasn't had to do much yet, he spotted the Snitch once but lost track of it when Flint rammed him off course, that bloody Snitch, how the bloody hell is anyone supposed to catch that thing?" Nick said to Hagrid, as he continued to watch his friend circle the pitch like a hawk, watching for any flurry of gold.

I smiled, "I'm sure Y/N will catch it soon, I'm just glad he hasn't been seriously hurt."

"WHAT'S GOING ON, THAT HAS TO BE CHEATING." Ben roared as I turned to see Y/N hanging off his broom by one hand as the broom jerked violently.

"What's goin' on with Y/N's broomstick?" Hagrid asked, his binoculars glued to his face.

I was digging at my skin in fear as I watched my best friend getting closer and closer to serious injury, or worse death.

"It looks like its been jinxed, Y/N's a great flyer, he wouldn't just suddenly be hanging from his broom." Harry said as we both watched Y/N slowly losing his grip on his broom.

I screamed as Y/N tried to climb back on but was flung even further off his broom.

"Can't 'ave been jinxed, brooms are very powerful, no magic could interfere with a broom like that, it'd have to be a very powerful dark wizard." Hagrid said in concern.

"Hagrid, can I please have those?" I asked quickly, and took Hagrid's binoculars frantically, I turned towards the teachers part of the stands. They all were watching with concern, except Snape, who was muttering under his breath and staring unblinkingly at Y/N. I gasped and turned to Harry and Ron.

"It's Snape! He's jinxing Y/N's broom! Look!" I say, handing the binoculars to Harry, who widened his eyes at the sight.

"What should we do Hermione?"

"Leave that to me." I say determined to save my friend and running off down the stairs and into the scaffolding, heading as fast as I could towards the teachers stand.

While I ran into the teachers section I caught a glimpse at Y/N as his broom continued to shake with more intensity than it was before, I saw Y/N was barley holding on with his one hand as the other tired to clutch desperately onto the broom. He was swinging his legs trying to get some momentum going to help him back on. All of his attempts failed as his hand slipped again.

I ran as quickly as I could to where Snape was sat and reached for my wand.

As I got there I crouched behind him and mumbled, "Incendio."

An orange flame burst out the tip of my wand, lighting Snape's robes on fire, he didn't notice at first but a cry from a teacher sat beside him alerted the Professor. His focus changed from Y/N and snapped to his burning robes, he stood and knocked Professor Quirrel and Flitwick over in the panic and began stamping on the flame to put it out.

I let out a sigh of relief as I left the teachers stand and saw that Y/N's broom had stopped trying to throw him off, he finally managed to get a firm grip and swing himself over and up onto his broom, much to the relief of the other houses and the dismay of the Slytherins. Y/N shot down the pitch, as he had spotted a twinkle of gold flying down to the ground, he managed to dodge and weave his way past the Bludger and the Slytherin players trying to stop his pursuit. I saw him stretch his arm out and steadily begin to rise on his broom as I held my breath in fear and shock at how much skill he truly had on a broom as he began to balance.

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