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"How long has he been here?" Soobin pondered.

Yeonjun and Soobin were strolling down the street, coffee in hand, side by side.

Their little walk had started from Soobin's filming location, when the younger had a considerably long break.

Yeonjun had earned a rather odd look from Jinyoung and a smile from Jisoo, the reason for the former had left Yeonjun, a bit confused. Although he did trace it back to everything in the past, he was somewhat perplexed on how many idols knew about the affair. He had chosen not to ask Soobin about that.

"Who?" Yeonjun asked back.

"Heeseungie. I gathered he was staying with you."

"A couple of years." Yeonjun smiled.
"First time he saw I was here, he cried. He...could have missed me that much."

Soobin shuddered.

If only he knew.
Maybe he does.
He chooses to keep silent about it.

Soobin hummed.

Conversation starters were never Soobin's forte. Never.

Even if he could boast around on how good he was as an MC, the sheer art of actually starting a dialogue with someone still gave him a slight backing-up. The case isn't different when it comes to Yeonjun; it's even worse, per se.

"They miss him. Jungwonie and the others. They said he does call them, but he isn't there...so..." Soobin trailed off.

Jungwon was the one who cried the most when Heeseung left. He had latched on to Huening as he wailed out, Soobin remembered.

"Hyung, he will come back right? Heeseungie hyung won't leave us, right?" Jungwon asked, tears barricading his sweet voice.

Over time Jungwon had stopped crying.
Had stopped asking.

Jungwon could have seen his eldest in another light, Soobin thought, just like his own self.
Stupid idea.

It's a curse. A bloody curse. The Bighit leaders crying. Every fucking time.

Soobin recollected Yoongi talking about Namjoon.

"He cried at Jin hyung's wedding."
"Happy tears?" Taehyun asked as he gave the coffee to Yoongi.

The juniors had gathered around Yoongi for a backup vocal recording, some members of Enhypen included.

"No," Yoongi muttered, "he was crying. Sad crying. Sad because Jin was getting married."
Soobin paused a bit, and glanced at Yoongi, who gave him a strange look.

"Aaah...maybe it was happy tears! But who knows? Anyways, where were we?"Yoongi changed the subject.

Soobin strangely hadn't been afraid to ask Namjoon. He sure didn't know how on earth he got the guts to do that.

"Maybe I was?... I don't know, Soo. I am sure I have moved on. I do cry...sometimes. Maybe, maybe it's the fact that I would miss someone whom I have held on to for a long time. Just this...sudden feeling that that someone may not be available all the time anymore. And that person now has better priorities. Yeah, could be that." Namjoon said.

The younger had noticed his hyung's eyes fill up that day.

But still, Seokjin was there for Namjoon. Even when he married. Even when he had a kid. Even when his wife left him.

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