Chapter 35

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Sir Radmore leaned on the wall, his hat down as Miss Heywood passed to not be recognized or noticed. His mouth bit his smoke and he smiled to himself.

The girl seemed wise to retreat. Parker played a dangerous game when it came to her life and future.

The enviable scoundrel stood upon the shore for a long while seemingly cursing the gods of the sky or sea. Perhaps both.

The man slowed with a hesitant grimace as he neared about fifteen minutes behind the young lady.

"Radmore..." he said his hand down at his side, clutched in his hand. His face ragged having not taken to a shave.

He did not judge, he had not even yet found sleep. He probably looked worse for wear himself.

"Parker," he smiled.

Sidney nodded to him and went to pass but he pressed himself up from the wall and cleared his throat to halt him.

"You should know that Lord Sellac knew you were sleeping at the crown last night," he said seriously. "I would suspect he could be found at this hour abed somewhere familiar."

Sidney's face darkened thunderously and he moved past him at a pace that was no longer lagging.

His face had a set purpose to it as well.

"I should attend, as a witness?" he offered.

Sidney turned and snapped. "Why should I wish a witness to my shame?" he asked.

He scoffed. "Why for the legal proceedings, or perhaps a second..." offering seriously, knowing Lord Sellac had the occasion to be called to a duel and win. "Mr. Parker, this is not something you just bash into... You could be murderous and Lord Sellac is of the Peerage."

Sidney turned and shook his head. "I will conduct myself as a gentleman," he said with a tension that looked near snapping.

Sir Radmore could only nod and respect the man and his wish for privacy to handle this confrontation on his own. It was too bad Mr. Crowe had not remained at his post as he once did, he might have insisted.


Entering the apartment Sidney was occupying, he did not make a commotion. The servants were not even up and about. The hour was early enough that the cook and the scullery maid would have been the only ones awake.

He did not place his cane aside, but laid his hat to the table and went to the stair and rose it with careful steps.

He could smell the cologne in the air of the space he passed. It was as if recently the man had passed through.

Opening his wife's door he found it askew and her naked entangled among the covers alone and her fluffy dog lifted his head sleepily and then yapped.

He shook his head and looked about as she groggily reached out. "My lord..." she whispered.

"I am afraid your Lord has flown the coup..." Sidney said going to the window and looking up and down the street with a fierce expression.

Eliza sat up aghast and pulled the sheets to her. "Sidney!" she cried. "I was dreaming." as her dog had exploded into loud barks.

Sidney shook his head. "No, No more lies..." he spat. "You..." his finger pointed. "This is too far. Under my own roof, gossip all over town."

He took his cane and thrashed it against her dressing table that housed all her fine bottles and beauty enhancements, shattering all the contents.

The dog now retreated to the other side of the bed, no longer brave.

Eliza looked frightened but then she let the sheet slip a little, exposing her shoulders and chest more alluringly.

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