Chapter 1

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Cobbled stones lined the new streets that had only just formed from the muddy tracks that were once unavoidable. The sea breeze whipped between the various new buildings that were not there merely five years before.

Wide eyes drank in all the details from the fashionable people that moved to and fro on their missions for the afternoon. Years before it was the fisherman, and humble tradesmen that once were the predominant occupants of the town.

"What do you think my dear?" came the familiar voice of her dearest companion and friend.

Charlotte Heywood was back in Sanditon once again.

"Oh Susan, things are indescribable," she whispered with awe as she looked upon the white and tan stone of the new buildings that had replaced the older wooden ones that once graced the newly cobbled streets.

"Our apartments have already been secured and I wanted to be sure ours was the best view," she said with her serene smile.

Charlotte smiled, her grin reaching from ear to ear. "I can't thank you enough," she said looking upon her friend in earnest.

Lady Susan smiled and clicked her tongue. "Oh tosh my dear, all our years of being my companion and still you don't acknowledge my selfish nature."

Laughing inside Charlotte leaned back as the large carriage made it's way down the street to their accommodations.

"A whole summer season here and not Brighton, I wonder if it will be so different." the older woman wondered looking out her window appraisingly. "At least the streets are not so dirty any longer."

"That would be the work of the Parker brothers I am sure," Charlotte said as she went past Trafalgar House. It was so very different than it had been when she had said her tearful goodbye's or when she and Mr. Sidney Parker shared a passionate kiss goodbye.

Shaking the memory from her mind she turned to her friend trying to forget the pain of the past. It had taken her an entire year not to tear up in thought of him, or their very near happiness. She had not come back to Sanditon despite frequent requests from Mary to come in the first three years since.

The last two years she was without invitation and she had been relieved to not come up with an excuse, but now it was Lady Susan that bid her to come. Sanditon had grown in popularity as long hoped and desired and as such her now closest friends frequented the city which had changed so much of her life.

The carriage soon halted and Charlotte and Lady Susan gracefully exited the carriage. Susan just went inside without noting the very fine mason work that adorned the exterior and Charlotte stood a moment to marvel at the refined and elegant curves and she remembered Mr. Stringer the Younger. She smiled wondering what had come of him. Had he written her it would have been a sign of an understanding between the two and there was none so she had not been able to know where the man had gone.

Upon entering the lovely grand apartments she noted the white and black checkered floor, and the gleaming white of the walls and columns.

Her eyes traveled up to the chandelier in the center of the grand entrance. "This is very grand." she marveled.

Susan rolled her eyes. "Charlotte, you have been a guest in some of the finest homes in all of England, how can you be so awestruck by this?"

Charlotte looked around. "It is new and different from the designs I had seen in Mr. Tom Parker's study."

Susan nodded and put her hand down. "I think I will have a bath run,"

Charlotte let the maid lead her to her room which she found was directly opposite Lady Susans and had the same view and balcony with double doors.

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