Chapter 33

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The minute they walk through Hunter's front door, Jaden carries Faith up to her room. Chase decides to follow Jaden, surprising him, and he steps in front of Jaden and pulls the covers allowing him to lay her down.  Chase takes her shoes off while Jaden gently wipe off the small amount of makeup she has on.

Once done, Jaden pulled the covers over Faith.  Almost immediately, she snuggled into the covers.  "Aww" He says before he could even stop himself. 

He hears Chase chuckle next to him.  "You are so whipped."  He whispers to Jaden, smiling.

Jaden thought about it for a moment.  Mentally going through the memories he and Faith have shared.  The good and bad times.  When she would call him at three in the morning crying because of a nightmare or something to when they would just be sitting together in silence just enjoying each other's company.

Jaden couldn't deny it, he was 'whipped.'  The boy froze for a second.  Holy shit.  "You're right, I am.  Chase... I think I'm in love with her."  He whisper the last part very slowly. 

Chase immediately looked up from his phone, after taking a picture of Faith of course.  "Hold up.  You want?"  He asks

The shock of his discovery subsides and Jaden smiles. Widely. Chase continues to stare at him. Watching as Jaden seems to be, internally, bouncing off the walls. He watches Jaden gently tucks a piece of Faith's hair behind her ear. Still smiling.  He then kisses her forehead, "Goodnight sweetheart."  He whispers to the sleeping girl.  Faith moves and cuddles further into her pillow.

Jaden, with a new pep in his step, moves to walk past Chase.  However, Chase stops him.  "Jaden.  Did you just say that you love Faith?" He whispers, urgently. 

Jaden looks at him, "Yeah.  I thought about it and Im fairly certain that I'm love with her."  He explains to him, almost like it was no big deal.

Chase's jaw went slack and he stares at him for a moment. Jaden rolls his eyes, grabs Chase arm and drags him out of Faith's room closing the door softly behind him. "I don't understand why you're freaking out, Chase." Jaden states, with a hint of irritation in his voice.

Chase sighs and runs a hand through his hair. "I'm not 'freaking out.' I'm just surprised by the revelation, I mean you've known her for what? Three or four months. Don't you think it's a little... early?" He asks cautiously.

A wave of annoyance moves through Jaden's body. Before speaking, he thinks for a minute. Chase has a point. Although the average time to fall in love with someone is three months, he has every right to question it. With that, his annoyance leaves him.

Taking a deep breath, Jaden says, "I mean you have a point. But think about it, Faith and I hang out practically everyday. So in my mind, it's technically longer than the 'average', if that makes sense."

Chase shrugs. "Well you got me there. You gonna tell her?" He asks

Jaden's eyes widen. "O-of course not. She definitely doesn't feel the same way. I'm just the guy best friend." He says while absentmindedly looking at Faith.

Chase scoffs and heads to the door. Jaden follows after him. "You're an idiot." Chase says to him.

Jaden doesn't say anything. He just follows Chase down the stairs and into the living room, with a smile on his face. His realization being the only thing on his mind. Chase finds a seat next to Noah and Jaden sits next to Hunter. Everyone seems to be telling Hunter about the events of the day.

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