Chapter Twenty - Six*

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Two Months Later

Faith has spent the last two months getting to know her new friends, writing music, and recording them for fun at Madison's studio. She's also spent more time with Jaden. He even drove her to the car dealership so she could buy her first car, a gold - wrapped 2018 Jeep Wrangler, with the money she earned from her two featured songs.  She didn't have much growing up, so she decided to splurge.

Jaden insists on driving whenever they're together, which she allows

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Jaden insists on driving whenever they're together, which she allows. He suggested that Faith rented a car to start like he and his friends do, but she fell in love with the car as soon as she saw it. It was originally black, but she wanted something bold.  Sure, it'll be hard to hide from paparazzi, but she'll cross that bridge when she gets there.

Now, the downside of Jaden and Faith hanging out more is that people are starting to focus on their relationship more. All of their social media posts are all over TikTokroom. Faith has heard and read about the celebrity relationship disasters that have occurred and she doesn't know if she wants to go through that level of drama, but who knows.

Yes, she has loved hanging out with him and just being around him in general, but Faith just got into town and is only now starting to feel comfortable around people that isn't her unofficial - adoptive father or Hunter. Plus who knows if Jaden actually likes her in that way, she hasn't noticed anything. But what would she know, she's never really had a guy friend before.

However, her friendship with Noah or Bryce feels different than her friendship with Jaden. Bruh either way, she doesn't want to do anything that would jeopardize her relationship — whichever type it was.

This month has been a little hectic for Faith. The Other Girl with Madison Beer and Can You Hold Me with Jaden, were released. Both, Madison and Jaden, had release parties, however Faith didn't go — for obvious reasons. They understood, so the two didn't bug her about it or try to force her to go. 

To Faith's surprise, Jaden walked into her apartment at two in the morning. He woke her up and the two celebrated her first singles, even if they're both duets.  He brought candy, popcorn, and a few decorations like streamers and also made her wear a party hat. 

The two friends spent the night getting closer: having a listening party, sharing their playlists, talking about random topics, and watching Criminal Minds together. They finally fell asleep around 7am on the couch.


Now that she has a car, Faith has started to go on drives when she feels stress and anxious. It allows her to explore and sightsee while also clearing her head. With the wind in her hair and music blaring through the speakers, Faith feels at peace.

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