Chapter 24

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⚠️ TW: reference to abuse, PTSD, and mention of suicide attempt

// Jaden's POV //

I wake up abruptly as I hear a crash from the kitchen. Normally I would just go back to sleep since I live with Bryce, but I don't see Faith anywhere. I hear footsteps coming from the stairs and see Bryce looking as confused and concerned as me.

"That wasn't your doing?" I ask him

"No... why does everyone always assume it's me who causes loud noises?" He whines

"Do you want the reasons in chronological order or alphabetical?" I retort which shuts him up pretty quickly

"Where's Faith?" He asks me instead.

"I don't know. I was woken up from the noise and she wasn't next to me. I think it came from the kitchen." I inform him

He doesn't answer and just walks towards the kitchen. I follow him quickly which causes me to slam into his back since he decided to stop randomly.

"Okay ow."

He ignores my pain, "Faith? You okay?"

I immediately push him out of the way. When I do, I see Faith trying to clean broken plates on the floor.

I fast walk over to her, "oh my god Faith!"

She looks up at me with fear in her eyes, stands up and starts walking backwards. I stop for a second, then take a step towards her causing her to take a step back away from me.

Every time I try to get closer to her, she backs away. Her back eventually hits the refrigerator door making her to jump. She starts rambling, "I'm so sorry. I was trying to make everyone breakfast but then the plate slipped out of my hand. I'm sorry, itwon't happen again, I promise. I'm sorry... I'm sorry." She begins saying 'I'm sorry' repeatedly.

A stray tear falls down her cheek and I lift my hand to wipe it away. She flinches and puts her arms up to protect her face, as my hand reaches her cheek. I pull my hand away quickly and look at Bryce, who looks as surprised as I am. He looks at me, then back at Faith with sympathy in his eyes.

" you think I'm going to hit you?" I ask her slowly. Having to even ask this question is breaking my heart.

"I-I made a m-mess. I d-deserve I-it." She answers quietly. She lowers her arms like she's allowing herself to be hit or at least allowing the access.

My heart shatters with her answer. I take a step forward and say, "Faith, I want... no, need you to know that I and any of the people you've met in LA would never and will never lay a hand on you. I will never physically hurt you, I swear. You are allowed to make mistakes, like dropping something. No one was hurt and it's just a plate."

I look over at Bryce and see that he's already cleaning up the broken plate. I look back at Faith and just pull her into a hug. She flinches and tenses, but slowly relaxes as she realizes that it's me. I whisper in her ear, "Your father isn't here. He will never touch you ever again. No one will ever lay a hand on you ever again."

I pull away slowly and lead her over to sit down at the kitchen island. Once seated, she looks at me. I notice the bags under her eyes confirming my suspicion from last night.

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