Chapter 14

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// Faith's POV //

Walking through my front door, I can already tell that I'm in trouble. My father is sitting on the couch looking pretty angry.

"Dad? What's wrong?" I ask him cautiously.

He quickly stands up and walks toward me. "You. You're what's wrong! You are late. Dinner should've been ready by now!" He then slaps me before I can say anything.

As I fall to the floor, He continues to hit and kick me. "P-pleas-se s-t-top-p." I repeat over and over again.  He doesn't listen and continues to hurt me.

I hear my name being called from the distance , "Faith?....Faith Sweetheart?.... Faith! Wake up!"

I snap my eyes open and try to lift my body up. I can't move. I find myself trapped and start to panic.

"Hey hey hey. Sweetheart it's just me. It's Jaden. You're okay." He tells me.

As my eyes focus, I look up and find myself staring at worried, bright blue eyes. Jaden.

"Oh uh h-hi?" I say not really knowing what to say.

He tilts his head to the left and laughs a little, "hi. Good morning." Oh my god his voice! It's so deep and ras- nope I need to stop.

After staring at each other for a few minutes, I realize where I am. I'm LAYING on top of Jaden with his arms wrapped around me. My breathe hitches then quickens.

"Faith hey. You're okay. You're okay. I'll let go so that you can move." He says while letting me sit up.

"Did-d I-I fall as-sleep on y-you? I'm sorry-y." I apologize

He shakes his head, "no no. I pulled you into top of me because you seemed to be having a nightmare. You want to talk about it? You seemed a little freaked out when you woke up." He asks and explains

No no no they can't know about my past. They'll think and look at me differently. "Uh n-no I'm okay. Th-thank you though. I'm okay." I tell him a little too quickly

I shift a couple of times as he looks at me suspiciously. After a couple of seconds, he blushes and laughs nervously, "umm I'd stop moving if I were you...".

Huh? He must of saw my confusion as he moves his eyes down towards his lap and I follow his gaze. In that moment I realized that I've been straddling Jaden Hossler this entire time. With that, I quickly move off of him and off the bed entirely.

I hear him laughing as I walk towards my bag to grab songbook, since I just thought of a lyric as I remember the events of last night.

I turn back around to find him now laying on his stomach. I sit down on the floor with him looking down at me from the edge of the bed.

As I write, I ask him, "I m-must've f-freaked-d them out-t last night-t, right?" I can only imagine what they were all thinking as they watched me freak out and cry in the corner of their kitchen.

Jaden looks at me with sad eyes, "No sweetheart. They understood. I made them all leave once Griffin came in to help. He used to be a nurse, so I figured he could help in someway. Plus, I had Griff explain everything after you fell asleep."

Sweetheart -HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now