Chapter One*

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It has been two months since Hunter blackmailed Faith into posting a TikTok. Once they realized that people liked her song and loved the message, Hunter convinced her to continue to post little snippets of her songs. After the first week, she began to enjoy posting her videos; she felt as though it gave her songs a purpose.

She posted at least twice a day; sometimes even posting her writing process. Her videos never contained anything other than the song title. Faith's followers knew nothing about her, only her name. In the last two months, a few of her videos have gone viral. Hunter had explained to her that that was a good thing, but she didn't fully understand how thousands of people had seen her videos, let alone liked her music.

The downside of them going viral is that her new fans have begun to question who she was and why so many famous people followed her.

Jaden, himself, was on the tea pages for multiple days when his fans realized he was following her. It became a bigger deal when they realized that celebrities like Hunter King, Justin Bieber, and Luke Bryan followed her as well.

Jaden thought it was insane that she had A-list musicians following her as well, but didn't think much of it. He was so just happy that she has been continuing to post her music. He has loved every snippet of every song; if a person was to really dig deep into his 'liked videos,' they'd realize that Jaden has seen and liked every single video of Faith's.

He won't admit it, but he has her post notifications on; which was how Jaden knew she started a live stream.

He had immediately clicked the notification. He didn't care that he was in the middle of a House meeting; he had his AirPods in anyway. The guys and their managers were discussing ways to improve their reputation. Their feud with the Hype House was beginning to get out of control, according to their managers.

Jaden hasn't involved himself in that drama in a while; he hasn't really involved himself with anything if he was being honest. He'd defend his friends, but he just doesn't care all that much. He hasn't for a few months. Something was eating away at him and he didn't know what it was. He knew Bryce had noticed; Josh too. They had started checking on him more frequently; making sure he ate and left his room.

It's why no one really questioned him not paying attention to the meeting. To his manager, Shannon, as long as Jaden was still active on social media and writing music, he was fine. Although, she had started to worry as well since they've become closer. 

No one took notice of his slight mood change in the meeting when he started watching Faith Carlton's live stream. His face was a little too close to his phone screen, but Jaden didn't care. She was taking song requests and answering fan questions. He wanted to interact with her, but knew he should keep a low profile.

That didn't last long, however. Someone had commented, asking Faith if she knew him.

"Jxdn followers you! Do you know him? Do you like his music?" A fan account asked.

Jaden watched as Faith's eyes squinted slightly, her nose scrunching a little. Adorable.

"J X D N follows me? Who or what is a J X D N?" She asked, not knowing how to pronounce the name.

At that, the entire comment section went crazy. Her viewers were all telling at her to listen to his music and explaining who he was. "Oh he's a Tiktoker? My friend explained that to me when I first downloaded the app. He makes music, too? Wait, let me play something." She had said.

While she searched for his Spotify page, Jaden bolted out of his chair, causing everyone to look at him. "Oh my god!" He blurted.

Josh looked at him strangely. 'What's happening?"

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