Chapter 18

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Btw, if I say that everyone is in a room, but don't mention them in the conversation, they're there and just like listening.  It's hard to keep track off everyone.  For example, I have no idea if I've mentioned Blake yet, but he's been in the room with everyone else during full group conversations.
// Jaden's POV //

I woke up this morning to Josh talking to my phone. "Josh. What the hell? Why are you on my phone?" I ask him. My voice sounding very rough since I just woke up.

"I woke up before you and so did Faith, so I decided to just talk to her. Plus, it's like 2pm. Oh! I mentioned the YouTube video and she said she'll join." He rambles

"Is that Jaden?" I hear from my phone

"Yeah it is. See?" Josh turns the screen to face me.

"No dude wait!" I plead but it's too late. Faith is looking at me with my hair a mess and without a shirt on. I just know that my face is bright red.

I look up at her and I see that's she's blushing and laughing a little.

"Hey! No laughing. I just woke up." I joke

"Kind of hard not to, Jay Jay." She replies with a giggle. We just stare at each other for a couple more seconds with slight smiles on our faces, while Josh is standing there awkwardly, holding the phone.

"You have fluffy hair." Faith blurts out

"What?" I say chuckling

"N-Nothing. I uh have to g-go. Bye!" She says quickly

"Wait!" I try, but she already hung up.

I sigh and fall back on to my bed.

"Dude she totally likes you. She was blushing when she realized you weren't wearing a shirt and that comment about your hair. Plus, you guys stared at each other for awhile." He tells me

"Oh my god. No Josh. She was nervous because I wasn't wearing a shirt. Not because she's attracted to me." I pause. It's 1pm? Damn. "I'm taking a shower." I tell him and head over to the bathroom.

// Josh's POV //

As soon as he leaves, I quickly leave the room to find the rest of the guys. Luckily, I find everyone in the kitchen.

"Oh thank god. Okay we need to get Faith and Jaden together or something." I announce

"Well good afternoon to you too" Kio jokes

I roll my eyes, "I was talking to Faith this morning since Jaden was still asleep. After he woke up, I showed Jaden, who wasn't wearing a shirt like normal, and his hair was a mess."

"Okay... So?" Griffin asks

"I'm getting there. They like stared at each other for a little bit, which was awkward for me. But anyway, they were both blushing like crazy and Faith randomly blurted out that his hair was fluffy. Then she was all embarrassed and hung up."

"Okay... but what do you want us to do?" Anthony asks

"Faith's coming over today to shoot a video with us.  They should interact a lot or something.  Like we need to get them to spend time with each other.  I don't know, I haven't thought it through and It's not a very good plan, but hopefully they'll develop like real feelings the more they interact."  I explain

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