Chapter 45

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Jaden pulled into the Sway House driveway as he sipped his Starbucks drink. Faith had an iced coffee in her hand; she had already finished the sandwich. It was her her favorite thing to get at Starbucks, so she ate it even though she didn't feel hungry. Jaden was just happy that she ate something.

"Okay, let me run up to my room and get one of my sweatshirts and then we can do whatever you have planned. Which one should I get?" He asked as he got out of the car.

"Umm the yellow one that you just got." Faith answered.

"Okay. I'll be back in a minute." Jaden said before rushing into the house.

Jaden walked passed the living room as he made his way toward the staircase. "Hey guys." He said as he glanced at his friends, who were sitting on the couch. He ran up the stairs before anyone could answer.

Bryce looked between the stairs and Josh. "This idiot." Bryce laughed.

"Just give him a second." Faith said from by the front door. She had followed Jaden inside, unbeknownst to him.  "Three. . . Two. . . One."  She whispered to herself.

"Fuck!"  Was heard from upstairs before the sound of footsteps speeding down the hallway.  Jaden ran down the stairs with his head down, laughing at himself.  He had his Drew House sweatshirt tied around his waist.  "Okay, I might be going crazy, but did I just see—" Jaden cut himself off as he looked up and saw Justin and Hailey Bieber sitting on the couch next to Dixie.

"Th—that's Justin Bieber. Y'all see him too, right? Oh my god, he's in my house."  Jaden started rambling, so Faith walked over to him.

"Jaden?" She said softly.

"Yeah?"  He answered, distracted, still staring at his idol.

"Take a breath for second.  Your fan girl is showing."  She tells him, smirking slightly.

"Right right.  No, I'm good."  Jaden took a deep breathe, before looking up at his idol.  "Hi."  His voice cracked slightly.  "Dammit." He whispered to himself.

Justin Bieber laughed. "Someone told me that it's your birthday."

Hugging him from behind, Faith said, "Happy Birthday, Jay Jay."

He quickly turned to her, nothing but love and admiration swirling in his eyes. "Oh my god. Reall— how?" He asked her, quickly.

Faith nodded slightly. "Yeah. He's a friend of Hunter's, so I pulled a few strings. I know how much you admire him." She shrugged.

"Oh my god, I'm so in love with you. Thank you so much." He whispered to her, his heart melting when she blushed slightly.

Faith kissed his cheek before turning to their company. "Hi Justin, Hailey! Thank you so much for coming." Faith said, giving Justin a hug before moving to Hailey.

"It's our pleasure, Faith." Hailey said to the younger girl as Jaden and Justin started up a conversation.

"Hi." Jaden breathed out. "It's an honor to meet you. I've loved your music since I was kid." He told him, clearly flustered.

Justin smiled at him. "It's great to finally meet you, Jaden. I've heard a lot about you. Hailey and I listened to your music on the way here, and you're really good. You're with DTA Records, right?" He asked.

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