Chapter 16

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// Faith's POV //

After I show Jaden around my new apartment, we sit on my couch and just hang out. My apartment was already furnished and I don't have that many clothes with me right now, so I didn't really have to do anything.

One of my playlists are playing through the speakers while I'm scrolling through TikTok. I think Jaden is texting someone important because his face is in deep thought. He looks pretty stressed out.

After a few more minutes, Jaden sighs, "can I ask you a question? It has to do with music."

I put my phone down on the table in front of me so that he has my full attention. "Yes of course." I tell him with a smile

"Okay, so I've been working on an album, but I want to release something for my fans before then. The thing is, I don't really have anything besides songs from the album to release. I don't know what to do and I haven't written anything new either."

I think for a minute, then I stand up and walk to my room to grab my guitar. Jaden looks at me confused as I walk back into the living room. "Okay so the only thing I can think of is posting an acoustic version of a song you've already released like 'Angles and Demons'." I explain

"I mean that makes sense. But, which song?" He asks

Instead of replying, I just start strumming the chorus of 'So What!' on my guitar. Once I figure out the new tempo, I start to sing the lyrics:

So what I'm broken
And my heart is frozen
All my words are choking
I'm so over life
So what I'm broken
Knew this love was poison
All these wounds are open
I'm so over life
I'm so down tonight
I'm so down tonight

I look back up at Jaden. He sitting there, staring at me with a shocked and excited expression. "How did you do that? You were in the correct key and everything. You're incredible!"

I feel my face heat up at his words, "thank you. I uh have perfect pitch. Although I did have to raise it an octave since your voice is so deep and everything...". I trail off as I feel my face become more red.

He doesn't seem to notice or care, "I think I'm gonna do that. An acoustic version of 'So What!' sounds amazing. Thank you so much Fay! I've been struggling with this for a week now. You are a life savior." He exclaims.

I laugh at his comments, "you're welcome. I'm here if you need me." We smile at each other. Neither of us daring to break the intense eye contact.

After what felt like eternity, my phone rang. I mumbled a sorry and picked up my phone. The caller ID said "Madison Beer". I internally screamed as I answered.

"Hello?" I ask

" Hey Faith! It's Madison. I wanted to ask you something that I think you might be interested in." She tells me

"Hey Madison. What's up".

"Well I wrote this song and I think it'll be great for a duet. So, I was wondering if you wanted to sing the song with me? The thing is, you need to sing in front of my producer. He just wants to make sure you can sing live or whatever."

I froze for a minute and glanced at Jaden, who was smiling to himself as he typed on his phone. "Okay well for one, I would love to sing with you! And two, I think I can manage to sing in front of him. It'll just me us three in the room, right?" I ask her

"Yes. I made sure of it. If you want to invite anyone else for support, you may."

"Alright. Thank you Madison. I really appreciate you considering and thinking of me for your song."

"Of course! I love your voice and your writing ability is insane! I will text you all the details and the lyrics sometime tomorrow. The meeting is in a couple of days. If that goes well, we'll probably record that same day. Then, go back in if anything needs some work."

"Okay. Sounds good! Thank you again."

"Awesome! I have to go now, but I'm really excited for this, Faith. Goodbye!" She says

"Me too! Bye Madison!" I reply before hanging up.

"OH MY GOD! I might be collaborating with Madison Beer!" I squeal

I hear a laugh come from next to me, which reminds me that Jaden is still here.  My face turns bright red with embarrassment as I sit back down on the couch.

"Good news?" Jaden asks with a smirk

"Oh hush. You know it was. Madison just asked me to record a song with her. However, I do need to sing in front of her producer." I tell him

"That's fantastic Fay! Are you okay with singing in front of him?" He asks

"Yeah. I think so. It's only gonna be him and Madison so I should be okay." I tell him. I'm a little nervous about it, but like I said, it's only two people.

"Well that's good. I'm so happy for you, Fay! Doing a collab with Madison is totally gonna help your music career." He tells me

I just smile at him and he smiles back.

"Can I ask you another question?" He asks me

I laugh, "Jaden you can just say it."

"Okay then. You don't have to answer, but if you lived with your friend in Nashville, how did you pay for this really nice apartment?" He asks hesitantly

"Oh that's simple. I've help write some of James' songs in the past. So, he decided to pay me, out of his own pocket, for my work. He gave me a couple thousand for each song and I've been saving money since I was 16 so yeah." I explain

"Well shit okay. That's crazy." He says

I smile at him, "want to watch a movie or something?"  I look outside and the sun is setting.  "Or you can leave since it's getting d-dark."

He looks over at me, "we can watch a movie.  I've got nothing else to do at Sway." 

I nod and search for a movie to watch.  We end up watching "Kissing Booth 2" because Jaden wanted to watch it.  Such a softie.

As the movie continues, I feel my eyes start to become heavy.  So, I lay down causing my head to be in Jaden's lap.  He doesn't seem to mind since he doesn't say anything about it. 

I feel him start to play with my hair.  My eyes feel even heavier, so I just close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

Sorry I took forever to update, I had no idea what to write.  Thanks for 1000 reads!  Comment and like!! 

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