Chapter Forty - Two

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Like the nurse said, Faith was back home by the afternoon. It was decided that Luke would be staying with Faith while he films American Idol. Faith was completely fine with it since he wasn't a helicopter parent.

Throughout the week, Faith was able to hang out with her friends. She could tell they were somewhat cautious of what the topic of conversations were, but she didn't mind. She understands that they are just trying to help her. However, everyone started to act weird, especially Jaden, as it got closer to the weekend.

On Friday, Faith was woken up by Luke around 1pm.  Everyone knew that she never wakes up before noon unless she has something important scheduled earlier. 

However, Faith was still exhausted since her and Zach stayed up a little too late last night in FaceTime.  Zach and Daniel were now overly- overprotective and almost clingy ever since they saw her in a coma — not that she minded, she understood and she loves hanging out with them.

She took a shower and changed into a pair of sweatpants — that might be Jaden's — and a short-sleeved, light blue crop top. Faith grabbed something to eat before Luke shoved her out the door and into her car.

He gave her instructions to drive to the Sway House. The teenager was a little hesitant to leave the parking lot, but she brushed it off because they're her friends. So, she drove to her second home where her second family lives.

It didn't take long to get there, ten minutes at most.  She got out of her car pretty quickly when she noticed the amount of cars in the driveway.  Knowing they always forget to lock the front door, Faith just walks into the house.

Upon entering, her back hit the door in surprise once she saw literally all of her friends standing in the living room with smiles on there faces.  "Whatever you think I did.  Bryce did it."  She blurts out. 

"Me?!  Why do you always blame me for things?"  Bryce exclaims, with an offended expression.

"You want a list in alphabetical or chronological order?"  She quips.

"You know, Jaden asked me the same thing a few months ago. . . creepy."  Bryce mutters

Faith automatically smiles at the mention of his name.  She glances at all the faces in front of her — her girl friends, Sway, some Hype members, and Why Don't We — looking for the tattooed boy.  Her smile dips after not finding him. 

She cautiously walks over to the couch and sits on the end seat, which was the only seat open.  "Can someone tell me what's happening?  My dad forced me into my car and told me drive here and everyone being here is really starting to freak me out.  Also, where's Jay-Jay?"  She starts throwing out questions. 

Addison, who's seated next to her, smiles.  "Everything is fine Faith.  Just sit there and listen."  She tells the confused girl.  "Guys, let's give her the room."  She instructs everyone else. 

So now, all her friends are gone and in a different room — secretly watching what's about to unfold — and Faith is alone.  Her leg starts to bounce as the seconds tick by.  A voice cuts through the silence of the room sounding like it's coming from the speakers placed around the house.  Faith flinches at the sudden noise. 

"I know you're probably super confused right now, but just go with it."  The voice states, Faith immediately recognizing it as Jaden's.  "Okay so," she hears him take a deep breath.  "Sorry I'm really nervous.  Anyway, if everyone did what they were supposed to, then you're sitting on the couch in a specific spot."  Jaden's recording pauses for another moment.

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