Chapter 32

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Faith and Luke turn around to see eight pairs of wide eyes staring at them, well him mostly. Luke looks at them, at Faith, then back to them. "Jazzy, who are these people?" Luke asks using the nickname he gave her when they first met.

Faith turns to him and smiles. "These are my friends from California, Luke." He informed him

Luke's eyes widen in surprise and recognition. "Oh! The TikTokers. So the rumors are true, you've actually made friends. Please come in guys. Sit anywhere y'all want." He says waving the, still in shock, group of young adults.

The TikTokers walk over to a large table and sit down, hesitantly. None of them know what to think at this moment. Although everything about Faith's life kind of made sense at this point. How she's able to afford her apartment and the guitars, even why she's never said his full name or talked about him as much as Hunter.

Luke goes back around the bar and starts grabbing a number of glasses. He looks up, "Aright, which one of y'all is Bryce? I'm pretty sure he's the only one old enough to drink legally."

Bryce raises his hand causing Luke to smile at him. "Cool, so I don't have any White Claws but want a beer or something?" Luke asks

"Y-yeah I'll have a um beer. Any kind is fine." Bryce answers after clearing his throat.

"Okay. What does everyone else want? I know Faith wants a lemonade." Luke asks

Jaden's shock seems to have subsided. "I'll have a lemonade too. I think we all would, actually." He answers for the group.

Faith brings over the last glass of lemonade and sits down next to Jaden, Luke follows her and sits at the end of the table. Faith chuckles, "You guys do know that y'all are also famous, right?" She asks sarcastically.

"Yeah well none of us have won over 40 music awards, 27 number one Billboard singles, and a majority of songs that went platinum."  Addison mentions raising her eyebrow at Faith, who just shrugs

Luke chuckles, "I like her.  Addison, right?"  She asks with a smile

Addison smiles nervously, "Yeah.  Hi, big fan." 

He smiles, "Thank you.  I'm just glad that Jazzy has someone who has an accent around her.  Wouldn't want her to loose it while she's in LA."  The comment made Addison and Faith laugh, which released some of the tension around the table. 

Luke took notice, "Wow okay.  It's really awkward right now.  I just want y'all to know that I'm a normal person and I do know who all of you are."  His eyes flicker to Jaden for a split second causing Jaden's eyes to widen slightly and shift in his seat. 

"Wait... what do you mean by 'I know who all of you are?'"  Faith asks, in a mocking deep voice

Luke playfully glares at her, "Hunter and I did research together.  I also followed a bunch of you on TikTok.  I can't dance to save my life though."  He laughs at himself, along with everyone else at the table.  The awkwardness seems to be slowly leaving the atmosphere of the bar.  "Oh!"  Luke exclaimed. "I almost forgot.  I totally ship... that's the word right yeah... I ship Faden.  One hundred percent on board with that relationship."  He adds with a smirk

Jaden and Faith groan as the rest of the young adults cheer.  "Seriously?  You too, Lukey?"  Faith asks with a sigh.

"Yeah!  Y'all are adorable.  Plus, I'm not the only one." 

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