Chapter Forty*

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PAPARAZZI. The four TikTokers forgot about the paparazzi.  How they could've forgotten about paparazzi, they don't know.  As Bryce zoomed into a parking space in front of the music studio, all four of them muttered a curse word. 

"Shit, we can't deal with this right now.  How do we handle this?"  Bryce asks, unbuckling his seatbelt.

Jaden sighs with frustration.  "I say we just go.  She's not answering anymore. Screw the paparazzi, Faith's safety is more important than whatever Tiktokroom is going to post."  He rants, speaking quickly before getting out of the car.

Agreeing with him, the other three get out of the car.  Following Jaden into the studio, everyone ignores the flashing cameras and the questions being yelled at them. 

"Jaden!  What's going on between you and Faith?!"

"Why are you four here?!"

"How's Braddison doing?!"

"How is you relationship with Josh and Jaden, Chase!?"

"Another collab, Jaden?!"

"Are you guys here to meet Faith?!"

No one answered any questions, just rushed into the studio.  Jaden called out to her, but received no answer.  It didn't take long for Griffin to spot her laying on the floor, her eyes closed and her phone on the floor next to her open hand. 

The nurse - in - training rushes over to her and falling into a kneeling down next to her.  "Faith?  Faith, wake up!"  He says, shaking her slightly. 

It doesn't work, so Griffin quickly checks her pulse and listens to her breathing.  "Bryce!"  He calls out.

"Yeah?!"  He yells back from outside the room.  Bryce and Chase decided to stay out of the room to give Griffin space, while Jaden was knelt next to Griffin, stroking Faith's hair and whispering things in her ear — doing anything to wake up the love of his life.

"Call nine - one - one. Give them our location and tell the operator that we need an ambulance. Her pulse is weak, but steady and her breathing is shallow. Do it quickly!" He commands.

Bryce's eyes widen, but he quickly takes his phone out of his pocket, almost dropping it. It didn't take long for him to get ahold of someone and for them to send emergency services.  Griffin continued to try to wake Faith up, but there's not much he could really do at the moment since she is breathing.  Because he's being taught how to act in these situations, Griffin was the calmest out of the group. 

The person next to him: a different story.  Jaden was completely freaking out.  Seeing her not moving and totally unresponsive was killing him.

The rockstar looks up at his friend, his eyes filled with unshed tears that he won't let fall.  "She's going to be okay, right Griff?  Please tell me she's going to okay."  He asks, in a desperate whisper.

Griffin looks up at his heartbroken housemate. How is he supposed to answer? Griffin can't just lie to him when he looks this scared and heartbroken. "I'm going to be honest, I'm not totally sure. But, she's breathing and has a pulse so that's a good sign." He answers.

Jaden only nods, too emotional and scared to respond that his statement. He was never taught how to deal with these type of situations. The girl he loves is unresponsive and laying in his lap, and he couldn't help her. He could only wait for professionals and pray that Faith will be okay.

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