Chapter 20

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Author's Note: Since she's from the South, she pronounces words with an "ow" at the end, like "window", with an "a" at the end instead. So "window" sounds like "winduh". I won't spell it the way she pronounces it, but if you want to, you can say it that way in your head as you read. Also, throughout this conversation, they are eating. I just didn't want to write that since it's not that important.
// Faith's POV //

He looks at me for a second then asks, "What's your favorite color?"

I chuckle at little at the choice of his first question, "A light blue with a small mixture of green. My second is yellow."

"Why yellow?" He asks

"Because it stands for happiness. My mamma used to call me her yellow because, to her, I was her happiness I guess." I smile to myself while thinking of my mother. "What about you?" I ask him

"Mine is green." He says looking directly into my eyes. "Do you have any siblings?" He asks me next.

"No I'm an only child. You?"

"I have a two sisters. Hayley and Sophie are both older than me. I think they'd love you. So would my parents." He tells me

"What are you parents like?" I ask him, though he seems surprised by the question.

"They are really sweet and fun. My mom is gentle, and loving. She can be funny too. Same as my dad, he makes really bad dad jokes sometimes."

I laugh a little and smile at his response.  "My father was like that.  Then my mamma died and I guess a part of him died with her...".  I frown and change the subject, "Anyway, how's your music coming?  Did you talk to your producers about the acoustic version?"

He smiles softly at me.  I'm glad he's not pushing me about my father.  He tilts his head a little and a boyish grin comes across his face.  I love the way his body brightens whenever music is mentioned. 

"Yeah I talked to Travis and he thought it sounded really good.  I told him that you came up with it and he said he wants to meet you, but it's up to you."  He tells me

"Travis Barker...wants to meet me?  You're messing with me right?  Why would the drummer for Blink-182 want to meet me?"  I question

Jaden laughs at my reaction, "He said he wants to hear any other ideas you have for anything related to music.  I told him about your perfect pitch and he wants to hear you sing...".

"Oh my god!  Jaden, if Travis Barker wants to meet me, there is no way in hell I'm saying no.   I'll do it after I record with Madison though."  I exclaim. 

He nods, "I'll let him know then.  Oh speaking of Madison, how is that going?"

"It's going well. I had the meeting with her producer this morning and they want me to be featured on the song. Madison came over after and she took me shopping to get the swimsuit since I didn't have one. I somehow managed to do all of that and keep our FaceTime call going. So, as Madison was leaving my apartment, I guess Josh grabbed your phone." I explain to him

He laughed a little, "Well congratulations on the song, Fay!  This could really kickstart your career.  Also, I'm happy that you and Madison are becoming friends." 

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