Chapter Thirty - Six*

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The drive to the Hype House was relaxing; the calm before the storm. Faith jammed to one of her playlists, earning weird looks from other drivers. It didn't take her long to pull into the Hype House driveway, due to almost zero traffic.

She parks her car behind, she thinks, Alex's Tesla. Before hopping out, she looks up at the house, seeing strobe lights and hearing loud music, but that's normal for the Tiktokers even when it's only a few people in the house at the time. She pulls out her phone and calls Chase.

"Hey Chase!"

"Oh hey Faith."

"I'm in the driveway,
I'm good to come
in right?"

"Umm actually,
Thomas decided
to throw a party for
whatever reason.
I'm in my room,
but I'm pretty sure
everyone's downstairs."

"Oh okay. Well I think I
should be fine.
I'll just be in and
out in under a
few minutes."

"You sure?"

"Umm yeah.
I'll be there in
a second.
Bye Chasey."

"Aright, you be
careful though.
See you
in a minute."

End Call

In all honesty, Faith was a little nervous about walking into a party.  She didn't trust her brain to not have an episode, but she was determined.  She can't be scared of her anxiety anymore, she's had it for a little more than two years.  Plus, Chase will help her if anything happens.

She turns her car off and gets out. Faith reaches the front door and knowing it's unlocked, she walks in.  No one seems to notice her, but she notices everything. Her eyes dart around the main area, where the party is in full swing.

She pulls her jacket closer to her body, for some sort of comfort.  Making her way to the stairs, she recognizes a few of her friends, but doesn't say anything because she doesn't want to be here longer than needed.  Quickly walking up the stairs, she reaches Chase's room in record time.

She knocks on his door louder than normal.  Behind the door, she hears a small crash and the yelp of some curse word.  Eventually, Chase swings the door open with a slight embarrassed smile plastered on his face.

Faith returns the smile and Chase moves out of the way, letting her enter his room and closing the door behind her. Really proud of her, Chase gives Faith a tight hug. "You did it, Faithy." He whispered as they pulled away.

Faith smiles shyly at her friend and tucks a stray piece of hair behind her ear. "Yeah, I uh just tried ignored everything. Did you fall before opening the door?" She asks him

Chase looks down, blushing a little. "Yeah...I fell off the bed trying to rush to the door." He answers

She laughs at that. "Are you okay?" She asks him

He smiles at her kindness. "Yeah yeah I'm fine. It just took me by surprise." He moves towards his bed and picks up Faith's sweatshirt. "Here you go." He says, handing it to her.

"Thank you, Chasey." She says while wrapping it around her waist. "So, I saw Bryce I think. Who else is here, everyone?" She asks

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