Chapter 25

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// Faith's POV //

I look around my living room.  I glance at everyone before my eyes land on my songbook on the coffee table.  They know.

I don't move from my doorway, "I'm sorry."  I say to everyone.

Their expressions change to confusion, so I elaborate, "I'm sorry for this morning and I'm sorry... Jaden... for not telling you whole truth." 

Bryce, Addison, Noah, Griffin, and Jaden stay silent.  I don't know what else to say, so I walk over to my kitchen.  Before I can get there, I'm wrapped up by multiple pairs of arms.  I panic for a second, then embrace it after realizing that I'm in the center of a group hug. No one said anything, which I was more than happy about.

After awhile, they pulled away. I think we all silently agreed to not talk about it. We walked over to my living room and sat down on the various furniture.

Bryce decided to start the conversation, "Can we just take a second to talk about how fucking amazing this apartment is?"

I laughed and shook my head, "Thanks Bryce. Can't take all the credit though. My friend, Luke, is helping me out with it."

"Luke huh? Who's he?" Jaden asks from next to me

"He is my happily married friend in Nashville, who was the previous owner of this apartment." I smirk slightly as I see Jaden's cheeks redden a little, embarrassed by his assumption.

"So y'all want to watch a movie?" I ask changing the subject.

"Yeah sure.  But first, do you want to talk about it?  We won't make you, it's up to you."  Griffin asks

I look down and nod my head slowly. I took a deep breath trying to calm my anxiety since my leg was bouncing. It didn't work, but Jaden grabbed my hand. I looked up at him and he mouthed, "You're okay. I'm here." I smiled slightly at him. He started rubbing circles on the top of my hand.

I squeezed his hand and started talking, "T-two years ago, my parents and I were driving home from dinner. My mamma decided she wanted to drive, so my daddy was in the passenger seat with me seated behind him. It wasn't even dark yet, but I was falling asleep. As I was closing my eyes, mamma turned to look at me. That second of distraction was enough for her not to see the deer in the road. My daddy yelled for her to swerve, which s-she did." I paused to wipe a tear off my cheek.

I took a deep breath and continued, "She ended up hitting a railing on her side. I was knocked out, but I-I was... um was told that s-she died instantly. My daddy and I were fine, but she was g-gone. He became distant and started drinking more than usual, but I just assumed it was him trying to cope. Then I realized he blamed me for her death as h-he h-h-hit me."

I pause again as my breathing increases. I can feel an anxiety attack coming. Jaden seems to notice since he slides over to me, gently places me on his lap with his arms around me, so that my back is against his chest and he's hugging me. I lean back into his chest and I can sense him smiling.

"You don't have to continue, Fay. You don't have to tell us everything now. Let's just watch a movie and order some dinner." Jaden suggests

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