Chapter 31

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Walking out of the Grand Ole Opry, Faith asks, "Anywhere anyone have somewhere or something they want to see?"  Everyone, minus James who had a meeting, shook their heads.  She smiles at her friends, "Okay.  Then, we have one more place to visit.  Follow me to the heart of Nashville." 

Faith led the way to Broadway, the Bourbon Street of Nashville.  It was around 3pm when Faith finished showing them around Nashville.  They had taken the black SUV to the city and parked closer to Broadway, so they'd walk in one giant circle in order to see everything.  Faith took them everywhere, to famous buildings and sites to hidden gems.

The group was impressed and amazed, to say the least. They were expecting to just see the touristy sites and call it a day. Faith really surprised them with the amount of places she had planned. She knew so much about everything they saw and even got a tour set up at places that offered one, like the Grand Ole Opry and Country Music Hall of Fame.

As they walked down the street, stopping every few minutes to listen to music coming from every bar and restaurant they passed, Jaden noticed Faith's hand twitch next to her thigh. He sped up his stride so that he was walking next to her. Faith looked up at him and smiled.

Jaden returned the gesture, "You doing alright, sweetheart?" He asked softly but loud enough to heard over the noise of the outside world.

"Yeah, I'm alright. My anxiety isn't as bad outside, but this street is always crowded. Nothing major." Faith responded looking around her briefly.

Jaden nodded in acknowledgment and slyly took Faith's hand in his. She glanced down at their intertwined hands, smiling slightly. After this morning, she still didn't fully understand her feelings for Jaden. Even though holding his hand felt right, his was her best friend and she couldn't loose him.

Jaden, however, knew and understood his feelings for the girl. He liked her, a lot. Whenever she spoke, he had to force himself to not stare at her or her lips. This morning, he made a mistake. He noticed her face after leaving the bathroom, he confused her. On the couch, he realized that Faith wasn't ready for something like a relationship. He was okay with that, he understood. The last thing Jaden wanted was to force her into a situation that she wasn't ready for.

"Oh! I almost forgot, Travis texted me before we left." Jaden said, not allowing any awkwardness to fall between them.

Faith's smile immediately brightened. "He did? What did he say? Can we move forward with it?" She asked rapidly

Jaden laughed at her eagerness, "Slow down, Fay. Travis told me that management like our new duet and that they signed off on the music video, even though you aren't signed to the label. Apparently, fans enjoy our collaborations."

The two continued talking about the music video, Faith occasionally pointing out the famous owners of the bars to the group as they past. Behind them, Chase was the first to notice the handholding.

Immediately, Chase started hitting Noah's, who's walking next to him, arm without taking his eyes off of Faith and Jaden's intertwined hands. Pausing his conversation with Dixie, Noah looks at Chase, "Dude stop hitting me. What is it?"

"Sorry, but look!" Chase points at Faith at Jaden.

Both Noah and Dixie look forward simultaneously. "You don't think..." Dixie started

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