Chapter 19

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⚠️⚠️ Trigger Warning: Mention of Abuse and picture of scars ⚠️⚠️
// Jaden's POV //

Minutes later, Faith is still silent in my arms. I've been whispering sweet nothings into her ear as a way of getting her to talk to me. When I hear my phone ring, I blindly look for it with my hand.

After finding it, I answer it without looking at the caller ID. "Hello?" I whisper

"Jaden. It's Bryce."

"Okay? Why are you calling me?"

"Look at Faith's back." He says, not really answering my question

"What? why?"

"Just fucking do it. I'm sending Griffin up. You'll understand why once you look."

Before I could respond, he hung up. I put my phone down and push Faith away from me a little, so that I can see her face. Her eyes were sad and dull.  It hurt me not seeing the light in her beautiful, emerald eyes.

"Faith. Sweetheart, is it okay if I look at your back?" I ask her softly

Her eyes widen and she pulls away, falling off my lap and onto the floor. I quickly stand up and go to help her. "Faith talk to me. What's going on? Griff is going to be here any second. I only want to help. I'm not going to hurt you." I tell her calmly

She looks me in the eyes and nods her head. I smile at her, "okay. Thank you. Can you come sit on the bed, for me?"

She stands up and slowly walks over to my bed. She sits down and bring her knees to her chest. I go to sit behind her. At that moment, Griffin walks into my room.

"Hey Faith... Is it okay if I check your back with Jaden?" He asks

She just nods. "Okay, thank you." He says

With that, I slowly pull my sweatshirt up so that her back is visible. I take in a sharp breathe as I see her back.

I feel tears start to sting my eyes, but I push them back as I look up at Griffin

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I feel tears start to sting my eyes, but I push them back as I look up at Griffin. Signaling him to come over, he sits down next to me.

He looks at her scars, "Jesus." He whispers

I pull down the sweatshirt, pull her closer to me, and wrap my arms around her protectively. She hasn't said a word since I brought her in here and I'm starting to worry.

Sweetheart -HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now