Chapter 30

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// Faith's POV //

I was awoken by soft whispers and being shaken slightly. Instead of opening my eyes, I roll over and snuggle into the warm pillow next to me. The pillow let's out a breathy chuckle, "Sweetheart, you've got to get up." Wait pillows don't talk... Although that'd be an intresting conversation.

I still don't open my eyes, "Jay-Jay?" I mumble half asleep.

"It's me Fay. You still have to wake up." He says

Then I remember the nightmare I had last night... no not a nightmare. What is it called again? The happy nightmares.  I haven't had one of those since-

I open my eyes slightly to see Jaden laying next to me with my head on his chest. It doesn't even faze me anymore, this always happens when I fall asleep near him. I look up at him, only to find him already staring at me. I smile lazily and blurt out, "Y-you want to hear about..." I pause trying to remember the word, only to fail. "...about the happy stories in my eyes?"

He looks confused for a second, then his gaze softens slightly and he smiles, it seems sad though. "Do you mean dreams, sweetheart?"

I look down sadly, "Yeah... I forgot the word. I'm not used to having the happy stor- I mean dreams." 

An awkward silence hangs between us, until Jaden clears his throat.  "Uh Hunter came in earlier and told me to wake you up so you can make breakfast.  He also mentioned that only Noah was awake."  He says then smiles softly.

"Oh shit, that's right."  I say while getting out of bed.  Then grabbing a sweatshirt from my suitcase and throwing it on over my pajama shirt. 

I look up at Jaden, who's smirking at me.  "Is that my sweatshirt, sweetheart?"  He asks, cockily.

My cheeks heat up, "The world may never know."  I say before sprinting out of the room and downstairs as I hear Jaden laughing.  I reach the kitchen pretty quickly and find Noah and Hunter talking, probably about the date for Dixie.

"Hey.  How'd y'all sleep?"  I ask causing them to turn towards me

"Hey Faith.  I slept pretty good.  The bed is insanely comfortable."  Noah answers with a smile

I return the smile, "I'm glad.  Where's Dix?" 

"She was still asleep when I left the room.  Her and Charli were up late last night talking about their podcast, which somehow led them to talk about the hate they both receive."  He said frowning a little.

I sighed, "I feel so bad for them.  They get hate for literally everything they do.  It's getting ridiculous." 

"Wait, Charli is Dixie's sister and dated Chase right?  The most popular TikToker right now?"  Hunter asks

I look over at him and raise my eyebrow, "Yeah... that's her.  How do you know that?" 

He scoffs, "You're not the only one who did research.  I like to be up to date on what's going on in that world, making sure you're surrounded by the right people."  He pauses and smiles, "Which you are."  He pauses again, "Back to this hate thing with the D'Ameilo sisters, people are just plain mean.  Like from what I've read, they haven't really done anything wrong.  Charli dealt with the Chase thing very well for a fifteen year old.  I personally think that Charli-".

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