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Faith Angelle Carlton sits in front of the piano in the recording studio of her friend's house. After messing with a few chords, she hums a melody before scribbling down some lyrics.

She had moved in with her friend, Hunter, a few years ago. She had a rough childhood and was trying to move on from it. However, there were days when her anxiety got the best of her and she just needed to play music in order to decompress — like right now.

Faith was diagnosed with social anxiety and PTSD when she was taken in by another friend — turned father figure — Luke. Her mother died in a car accident, and Faith and her biological father never fully recovered. He turned violent and is now an inmate at the Tennessee State Penitentiary.

After a few moments, she heard a knock on the studio door.  She turned around to see Jake Hunter King. However, he mainly goes by his stage name, Hunter King. The only one to call him by his first name is his mother.

Hunter King is a platinum album country artist.  Sure, he had a nice house and fancy cars, but he wasn't the type of guy to flaunt his wealth with parties and expensive clothing.  He was young, too; only twenty-five and had been selling out arenas since twenty years of age. 

Faith loved how humble he was, however.  Their friendship started in an unconventional way.  She needed a place to stay and he definitely had the room.  It took awhile for the two to become the best friends they are today, though. 

Faith was very frightened of Hunter, with his large frame and deep, southern - accent. She flinched whenever he spoke too loud, moved too quickly, or got too close.  But, once the two learned of their shared love of music, they connected very quickly. 

"How's the song coming?"  Hunter asked, as he walked in and sat on the couch that was in the room. 

Faith smiled at him.  "It's coming.  I realized that I needed to add a seventh to the cord in order to make the transition from the verse to the chorus work.  Now I just need to finish the lyrics."  She explained, looking down at her papers. 

The young girl was sitting on the floor with sheet music scattered around her and the keyboard set to the left of her.  Once she started writing, she couldn't stop.  Plus, Luke and Hunter found out early on that it wasn't good for her to hold in her emotions. 

Hunter sighed.  "You know, you've been in here all day and I'm fairly certain that you haven't eaten anything."  He mentioned, sorrow seeping into his voice. 

Faith made eye contact with him.  "I— I know.  I just. . . I had an idea and you know me, I had to get it out of my head." 

He nodded, an idea forming.  "Well to make it up to me, how about you finally post one of your many songs online?  I know TikTok has become popular now, my publicist has me posting on there." 

Faith immediately shook her head.  She goes to say something, but Hunter cuts her off.  "Nuh - uh.  If you don't post something by the end of the night, I will tell Luke that you didn't eat again today." 

She gaped at him.  "Are you blackmailing me?"  She asked, shocked.

Hunter smiled, slyly.  "Yes, yes I am.  I'm tired of your talents going to waste in the endless pages of your songbook—"

The anxiety - ridden girl huffed.  "Fine, whatever." 

"You promise?"  He asked.

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