Chapter Forty - One*

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Jaden was woken up by the sound of people talking quietly on the other side of the room. He kept his eyes closed, but it took him a moment to remember where he was — the hospital. Not ready to get up, he shifted slightly in his seat that was surprisingly more comfortable than he thought. Since sleep didn't come back to him, however, he decided to listen in on the whispered conversation.

"He doing okay?" A girl's soft voice hit his ears, maybe Addison's.

Someone else sighed. "I don't know. He completely broke down once he saw her last night. Like fall on the floor sobbing kind of break down." A deeper voice responded, definitely Bryce. He and Addison are never not together. "Luke actually had to help him stand and walk over to that chair because he was such a mess. It took him awhile to calm down enough in order to sleep, but he finally did only a few hours ago." He added.

"He also hasn't let go of her hand, which I find absolutely adorable, just saying." A third voice pointed out, probably Griffin.

Sadly, Jaden couldn't register who 'her' was. He could feel himself holding someone's hand, but his tired brain just wouldn't tell him who's. He couldn't open his eyes either, too exhausted to function. He had a terrible headache, his eyes felt swore, and he just wanted sleep.

"Poor guy." Addison frowned. "What do you think we should tell the fans? Should we post something on her Insta with a vague explanation of her condition? Everyone's freaking out because of TikTokroom's post." She asks.

"I'm not sure yet. We should talk to Luke and Hunter and see how they want to handle the media.  They've dealt with the media longer than we have."  Griffin suggested.

In that moment, Jaden remembered his best friend. Eyes still closed, he smiled. "You could just ask Faith. She's really good at giving advice." Jaden said, his voice quiet, rough, and ultimately sounding tired.

The sound of his voice caused the three to jump. Their fear quickly changed into sadness as they registered Jaden's words. Addison gasped quietly and the boys frowned deeply, their shoulders slumped. Realizing that Jaden didn't remember Faith's condition in that moment hit the three of them like a truck. We're they going to have to tell him the news again?

Upon hearing no response, Jaden finally opened his eyes. They landed on his three friends first. He was confused as to why they looked so sad. . . maybe even scared. That is until his eyes traveled up his hand and to the face of the person in the hospital bed.  Faith. 

Jaden's breath hitched as he stared at her, last night finally coming back to him, before looking down at the floor. "Oh. . . right."  He whispered, his voice thick with emotion.

Addison was struggling herself, having just spoken to Faith yesterday morning.  But after seeing Jaden, she knew she had to stay strong.  None of them have ever been through something like this before.  One day, they're all hanging out, having fun, making TikToks and the next, they're at the hospital with their best friend in a coma. 

Addison sits down next to Jaden and he rests his head on her shoulder.  "It's going to be okay, Jaden.  The doctors said she'll wake up some time today."  She assures him.

He nods slightly.  "I know Addi.  It's just this shouldn't be happening.  She's literally the light in my life and I just can't lose her."  He whispers.

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