Chapter 34

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// Jaden's POV //

I feel my body wake up, but keep my eyes closed. Naturally, I reach for Faith and attempt to pull her closer to me. Except my hands feel empty space. Confused, I open my eyes, finding Faith not laying next to me. I sit up quickly feeling panic move through my body.  The new emotion runs through my fingertips and down to my toes, making me shiver. 

I leap off the bed and check her bathroom, finding nothing.  Feeling my chest tighten, I run down the stairs and into the kitchen.  I find everyone downstairs talking and laughing.  My eyes search for Faith, but turn up empty.  Nessa is the first to see me and walks over to me with worry etched on her features. 

"Jaden, are you okay?  You're breathing really heavy."  She asks me

I try to respond, but I'm having a hard time breathing. "F-faith." I rasp out. This seems to catch the attention of everyone since now they're all staring at me with the same expression as Nessa.

Josh comes over next. "Dude. Take a moment to breath. Come on in and out. Just relax." He tells me.

I take a couple of deep breaths and try again. "F-Faith. Where is Faith? I woke up this morning and she was gone. She has never woken up before me and I searched for her everywhere and I can't find her and-" Hunter cuts off my rambling

"Jaden." He says with a sighs. "She didn't tell y'all did she?" He asks looking at everyone.

"Tell us what?" Bryce asks

A wave of confusion moves across Hunter's face.  "I think I'll just tell everyone where she is and explain what today is.  I'd advice y'all to take a seat around the island for story time."  Hunter says

The girls immediately find a seat, the guys following their actions.  I decide to stay standing and lean on the counter behind me.  I watch Hunter take a deep breath.  "Okay.  For the record, I did tell Faith to tell you this, but she apparently didn't.  So, as y'all know Faith invited you here as a surprise and as a thank you.  What you don't know is that she had this trip for this weekend already planned, but for her only. 

You see, she had planned on coming back here for this weekend — this day — every single year she didn't live in Nashville.  Today is the... uh... it's the anniversary of Faith's mama's death.  Normally she would just lock herself in my recording studio after visiting her mama's grave in the morning.  But, this year, since she met all of you, she decided to not sulk around.  So, she invited y'all here as a way to make this weekend and day happier than it normally is. 

To answer your question Jaden, she is at the cemetery visiting her mama.  She'll be back in a couple of hours.  She always leaves at like the crack of dawn so that she can watch the sunrise with her mama.  Now, don't get all upset with her 'cause she didn't tell you.  She doesn't like expressing feelings 'cause her fucking bastard of a father wouldn't let her show any.  She also didn't want to bum y'all out and make it about her when y'all are the guests and her best friends.  It's who Faith is."  Hunter finishes

"Which cemetery?"  I ask immediately

He narrows his bright blue eyes at me, "Nashville City Cemetery.  About ten miles from here, Why?"  He asks slowly.

I don't answer him.  I just rush upstairs to grab a shirt and one of my sweatshirts.  As I run back down, Hunter's standing there with his arms crossed. Kind of looking like a father who's about to question his daughter's new boyfriend — which is kind of freaking me out.

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