Chapter Thirty - Nine*

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IT TOOK A LOT of courage for Chase to drive there, let alone knock on their door.  He almost changed his mind, but the door opened before he could — plus, Chase needed to talk to him.

"Well well well.  If it isn't Lil Huddy, what brings you to these neck of the woods?"  He taunts.

Chase rolled his eyes, knowing that he's messing with him.  "Come on, Bryce.  I need to talk to him and you know I should."  He said

Bryce frowned slightly, realizing what this is about.  "Yeah yeah, come in."  He ushered his former enemy into his home. 

Chase followed him into the living room, where everyone — except Jaden — was seated watching some random tv show.  Bryce sat down in his previous spot, while Chase awkwardly sat on the end of the couch away from everyone. 

"What are you doing here?"  Josh asks, genuinely surprised.

Chase scratched the back of his neck as everyone looks at him.  "I uh need to talk to Jaden."  He answers.  "Faith. . .isn't doing as well as we thought she would and I just need to talk to him about it."  He adds.

"Is she okay?"  Griffin asks immediately, beating Noah and Bryce to it.

"Uhh kind of, not really.  A couple days ago, she had a panic attack while driving and ended up staying the night with Why Don't We."  He explains, briefly.

Noah sighs.  "Well Jaden isn't doing any better.  Especially with that whole caption scare.  I mean the second she didn't answer his first phone call, he drove straight to her apartment.  He wouldn't leave either, I had to drive down there to get him to come back. He barely leaves his room except for food." He informs.

"Oh yeah, plus he's not sleeping very well.  I'll hear him strumming his guitar on our balcony, writing a song probably, at like three in the morning."  Josh adds.

Chase nods his head slightly, taking in the information. "So they're both miserable." He pauses. "Look guys, I just need to talk to him. Maybe if it's coming from me, it'll knock some sense into him." He pleads

Griffin stares at him. "You're only gonna talk?" He asks, not wanting anything to get physical or more drama started.

Chase nods quickly. "Yes, that all I want to do. Like thirty minutes max." He assures.

"I say, we just let him do whatever. Jaden needs human contact anyway." Bryce states. The boys glance at each other, having a silent conversation, before nodding.

Chase stands up and follows Josh to his room, after thanking them. Reaching their destination, Josh knocks on the door. Earning no response, Chase walks in anyway. Unbeknownst to him, Josh stays to listen to what Chase has to say.

In the room, Chase finds Jaden, sitting by the window, staring intently with a blunt weakly placed in his fingers. Jaden, however, hasn't taken a hit yet, an internal battle dancing in his head. "Don't do it. You haven't since you've met her, don't start up again now." Chase states.

Jaden doesn't move, only looking down at his lap and sighing. "I know." He whispers. "I just want to feel something... s-she made me feel something again." His voice breaking slightly.

Chase plops down on one of the beds. "Well, if you want to feel something, I could always punch you." Chase suggests, jokingly with a hint of seriousness.

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