Chapter Thirty - Seven*

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IT TOOK A LOT of willpower for Faith to wake up this morning.  Thank the heavens for Addison or else she would've been late to the recording of her own music video. It's been a few days since that night, but Faith hasn't felt any better.

Everyone has come over to check on her at least once. They all silently observe Faith, knowing she's not going to talk about it. Faith has bottled up her emotions, especially for today. She hasn't spoken to Jaden at all, completely shut him out.

He's called and texted a few times, all going ignored. Bryce even informed her that he had to physically stop Jaden from driving to her apartment. After that, Jaden's gotten the hint and has stayed away. Only texting her each morning, trying to fix his mistake.


Jaden too didn't want to wake up this morning. Josh had to practically yank him out of bed. Jaden hadn't left his room since the night of the party. The morning after the event, Griffin told him about Faith's reaction and it broke Jaden's heart.

He doesn't know why he said what he did. He doesn't know why he didn't help the girl he's in love with. He doesn't know why he broke his promise, but the words just came out of his mouth that night. Jaden knows he screwed up big time, he just doesn't know how to fix it yet. He hopes this music video is his chance to at least start mending their broken relationship.

Jaden drove alone to the set of the music video. He spent the entire time thinking of every scenario that could occur. He was extremely nervous, scared even, of Faith's reaction to him or anything he'd try to say.

Arriving on set, he turns off the engine of his car and just leans back in his seat. He lets out a sigh, trying to relax a little, before getting out and walking in. He finds a bunch of people walking around doing their jobs and two sets built in the middle of the room.

Two completely different bedrooms separated by a wall. One side was obviously Faith's, with a simple concept of a white bed and a blue sky accent wall. It's meant to represent peace and calmness, even though in the video, Faith will be sad and in emotional pain. Faith was very persistent in having 'her' room be the complete opposite of her feelings.

The other side is Jaden's room, or at least his character's room. The room has a darker aesthetic than Faith's. In the video, 'Jaden' will have a speaking/singing argument with another women. Faith wanted the room to represent anger, hurt, and regret.

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