Chapter 21

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// Faith's POV //

I'm woken up to smell of something burning and the sound of phone cameras clicking.  My eyes flutter open as I turn my head to see what's going on.  I look up to see all of the boys, except for Bryce, in the room with their phones out. 

I rub my eyes and say, "Mornin' guys.  Mind telling me what's going on?" 

Josh laughs a little, "Oh it's a wonderful morning Faith and you'll find out in a second." 

I just look at him, confused.  Then I remember the smell of something burning, "So what's burning?"

"Oh Bryce is trying to make breakfast."  Kio tells me

"Oh boy.  I should go help him since none of y'all can do it."  I tell them

I go to stand up, but something stops me.  I turn around and see Jaden still sleeping with his face in the crook of my neck and his arms around me.  My breath hitches as I realize we've been cuddling all night. He looks so peaceful and I noticed a small smile on his sleeping face.

"N-now the cameras make sense."  I say to no one in particular.  I then unwrap myself from Jaden and follow the boys downstairs.  Once I reach the kitchen, I see Bryce throwing a pan, that's on fire, in the sink and then dousing it with water. 

"Bryce... everything okay?"  I ask him

He spins around and scratches the back of his neck, "H-hey Faith.  Yeah everything's fine.  Just failing at cooking breakfast." 

"Hmm I see that.  Want some help?"  I ask him

"I would love some...". He pulls out his phone for the time, "... but Josh and I have a meeting to go to right now.  Sorry, I wanted to do something nice after... yesterday." 

My eyes soften a little, "Aww it's okay Brycy, I appreciate the attempt.  I can make breakfast for the boys.  Y'all need a southern, home cooked meal anyway."  I walk up to him and hug him.  Which he returns, then he pulls away and kisses me on the cheek.  In a friendly manner of course. 

"Okay.  You better save Josh and I some."  He tells me

"Of course I will.  Can you open a window before you leave, please?"  I ask him

He slowly turns around with a smirk plastered on his lips, while I raise my eyebrow in confusion.  "Boys come here!"  The guys come running into the kitchen.  "Can you repeat that question for me, Faith?"

"Uh okay?  I just asked if you could open a window...". I repeat myself

The guys, minus Jaden, just stare at me for a few seconds before bursting out in laughter.  "Guys... why are y'all laughing?"  I whine

They calm down after a few more minutes and Quinton decides to answer, "The way you say 'window'.  Your accent shows." 

"I do not have an accent.  I say window perfectly normal."  I reply while getting out ingredients for breakfast. 

"Oh you definitely have an accent, but whatever helps you sleep at night."  Blake says

"Whatever.  Now, do any of y'all have any allergies?  Sadly, y'all have too many fans that'll miss you, if I kill you."  I say sarcastically. 

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