Chapter Twenty - Eight*

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Faith texts Jaden to let him know that she was parked outside of his house.  Its five - twenty in the morning and Faith struggled to get to the Sway House without falling asleep.  She didn't sleep much last night due to nightmares and she probably won't sleep much on the plane either.

After a couple of minutes, Jaden and Noah walk out with their luggage.  Faith sluggishly got out of the car as the trunk opened for them.  As Noah puts the two suitcases in the trunk, Faith walks up to Jaden and wraps her arms around him.  He immediately hugs her back and rests his chin on her head, she could easily fall asleep standing there.

He seemed to notice as he pulls away and looks at me concerned, "Fay, you doing okay?"

She smiled tiredly at her best friend, "Yeah, I'm fine.  I'm just exhausted, didn't get much sleep last night.  Plus, I didn't have time to make any coffee this morning." 

He frowned, "Nightmares again?"

She nods and he hugs her again, "How about I drive and then you can try to sleep on the plane since I know you won't sleep in the car...".

Faith smiles at the fact that he understands her fear due to the accident, "Thank you Jay, however I probably won't sleep on the plane either.  I'll try though." 

He kisses the top of her head, "That's all I ask.  I'll be right there the whole time."

After making sure the trunk was closed, the two get into the car with Jaden in the driver's seat.  Noah was already in the backseat making a TikTok.  Once the car is on, Jaden pulls out of the driveway and heads to the airport.

Noah looks up from his phone, "Good morning, Faith."

"Mornin' Noah.  You and Dixie doing okay?"  She asks him.

He smiles, "Yeah, I think we're doing great.  I actually wanted to ask you for a romantic place in Nashville.  I'm gonna ask Dixie to be my girlfriend." 

For someone who's so tired, Jaden was surprised by the squeal that left Faith's mouth, "Yes, finally!  Are you thinking restaurant or a park or a concert like at the Opry House?" 

Jaden chuckles, "I love that you already have a list." 

She rolls her eyes playfully, "Whatever, Jay." 

"Sorry to interrupt your flirting, but to answer your question, we're both pretty outdoorsy so something like that." 

Faith blushes a deep red.  "O - Okay so, I think you should go for a hike at Forest Hills and then after you can go have a picnic or whatever at Love Circle.  It's a hill north of Centennial Park that gives you a panoramic view of Nashville.  Hunter can give you more information about those places since I've only read about theme."

Noah nods, then realizes that she can't see him, "Thanks Faith." 

She smile at him, "Anytime Bubbles." 

Jaden glances between the two with his eyebrows furrowed, "Bubbles?"

Faith laughs, "Noah had an incident with bubbles when he came over once.  I don't even know why he was playing with them.  So now I call him Bubbles." 

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