Chapter 22 Choices: The Hinges To Destiny Pt. 3

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Klaus continued drinking his bloody drink from Alaric's mug

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Klaus continued drinking his bloody drink from Alaric's mug. All the while, Stefan was regaining his strength but still needed Havana's support to help him stand up. When Klaus was finished, he set it down the counter and came closer to them.

"I heard about this vampire. Crazy man, always on and off the wagon for decades. When he was off, he was magnificent. In 1917, he went into Monterey and wiped out an entire migrant village. A true ripper." The Original stressed the last word. "Sound familiar?"

Havana looked at her friend concerned. She knew of his past, everyone did.

Stefan acted calm and collected through his swerving eyes told a completely different story-one of guilt.

"I haven't been that way in a very long time."

"Well, that was the vampire I can make a deal with. That is the kind of talent that I can use when I leave this town." Klaus called Katherine to come closer bringing out her wrist. His eyes glowed bright yellow while biting into her wrist sealing her death sentence with a fatal werewolf bite.

Caught her off guard, it was too late when Katherine hurriedly pulled back. The vampiress looked at her bloodied wrist in horror. "No no no" she shook her head hysterically.

"What have you done?" Havana whispered.

Klaus only smiled at his horrified love and bit into his wrist and forcing Katherine to feed on his blood. Stefan and Havana stood watching in confusion, then in complete shock as the nasty bite mark started to heal itself before completely vanishing as if it was never there.

Havana spoke for everyone in the room when she said, "Yo-you're blood is the cure."

"Gotta love mother nature. You want the cure? There it is." Klaus then turned to Stefan. "Now, let's talk. Alone. I have big plans for you."

Klaus had placed the bottle containing his blood in front of Stefan and Havana as if to taunt them. However, as much as they were tempted, they couldn't touch it with the hybrid sitting across from them with an evil grin. The whole room was quiet, the only sound came from Stefan sipping his fifth blood bag. As soon as he was finished, he was tossed another blood bag to forcefully consume. Stefan grew restless as he finished more and more of the blood bags, as much as he didn't like it, the craving for human blood started to appear again. Havana sat uncomfortably next to him knowing that Stefan had broken his bunny diet, the diet that has kept him in control of his once immense thirst for blood. She was well aware of his ripper days and Stefan's journey to turning a new leaf with his late friend, Lexie. Klaus, however, was using this as a form of entertainment as he casually sipped from his cup that he had refilled with blood.

Stefan was feeding on the wooden floor by the time he reached his tenth blood bag. He threw the empty plastic bag to the ground before Klaus made his way to him.

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