Chapter 30 Back To The Windy City

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Chicago. Havana tried to wrap her head around it. One minute, she was feeding giraffes breakfast in a hotel in Kenya, the next she has whisked away to a private plane with her boyfriend who told her that they had to cut their vacation in Africa short. They had to rush to Chicago for an important meeting, or so he said. However, it was indeed a common occurrence for Klaus to have to suddenly move locations for these so-called 'business' meetings of his.

Havana sighed looking at the Chicago skyline from their hotel room. The sun had just set leaving the darkness to swallow the sky and the lights of the buildings nearby twinkling with their lights. This was most definitely the best view in the entire hotel, if not the entire city. Havana snuggled into the soft material of the bathrobe as she enjoyed the princess treatment she was getting. She never asked Nik for any of this; luxurious and exotic vacations, shopping sprees, Michelin-star dinners, jewelry. She did take her time getting used to it as she was not after her boyfriend for the money. Klaus had to laugh at her insistence every time she brought it up which was every time he presented her gifts. He thought that he was cute and reassured her that he knows she loves him for him. Nik did present her with the princess treatment not only through material possessions but with how he treats her as well.

Still, it did make Havan wonder where his money came from. It was already obvious that she did not like talking about money, especially one that was not hers. However, her curiosity would get the best of her at times since she had never even seen him work a single day. Klaus had explained to her that his line of work was actually related to his passion for art and that he is a silent partner in a number of companies.

Still, it did not make sense. Something in Havana's gut told her that he was no regular businessman. And that all those secret meetings of his were no ordinary ones. Especially since there were times wherein Havana would find droplets of blood on his clothes.

Havan did gather the courage to confront him. And she did pray that he was no mafia don or cartel head. Klaus did laugh when she brought up those two possible jobs he might have had. Unexplainably, those conversations would end in him magically convincing Havana to not be bothered by this topic.

It was weird. Havana knew herself. If she was curious about something, she was the type of person who would want to get to the bottom of things. Yet the urge to further investigate now only manifested in her thoughts. She did not want to pursue an active investigation into her boyfriend's professional background.

The sound of the door opening brought Havana back into reality. A smile was placed on her lips as she excitingly greeted her boyfriend who was done with his important meeting.

"Hello, my lov-"

Havana's stomach dropped. In front of her was not her Nik. Rather, two men in masks holding wooden stakes. She opened her mouth to let out a blood-curdling scream only for a tiny yelp to escape instead because one of the masked intruders had tackled her to the floor. They dragged her out of the room despite her thrashing around and scratching the carpet.

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