Chapter 26 The Failed Hybrids

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Smoky Mountains, Tennessee

Smoky Mountains, Tennessee

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Havana's feet was aching. She could feel her knees begin to wobble in desperate need to rest. She held onto the branch that she had used as a walking stick to continue to push forward the awful hike.

"Just say the word love and I can carry you." She rolled her eyes at Klaus's 3rd offer to help her.

Don't fall for it Havana. Opening yourself up will only make it easier for him to tear you down.

"I'm fine." She gritted her teeth moving forward. They have been walking for hours now.

God, where the hell is this werewolf camp.

In the meanwhile, the vampire and hybrid walked through the forest tirelessly, this was with the aid of their superhuman physical abilities. Stefan was even carrying an unconscious Ray Sutton. They continued walking for another twenty minutes before they could hear the sound of people talking. The pack was setting up rows of tents for the full moon tonight. They all stared at the three unwanted visitors in dangerous silence until they spot their leader, Ray.

Stefan threw Ray on the ground. A woman rushed to an unconscious Ray unfazed by the there strangers before for.

"Who are you?" She glared at the three.

"The important question is who am I. Please forgive the intrusion. My name is Klaus."

"Yo-you're the hybrid." The woman who bravely kneed beside Ray now moved backward.

The werewolves looked at each other with worry no doubt in their eyes while some slowly started backing away like the woman in front of them. It was the name. Havana knew how much power and fear it held over people. She looked over at Klaus who smirked proudly at his reputation.

It was not long until everybody at that camp stood up ready to run from the legendary hybrid. But for now, they stood anxiously listening to Klaus's speech about his fascination with wolves being a slave to the moon and vampires to the sun. He sat down comfortably at the seat staring at the crowd whose attention was on him. As if on cue, Ray woke up and began gasping for air promoting the woman to come closer to him again.

"What's happening to me," He asked still rolling on the ground.

Stefan stood up and announced to all his friends that he needed blood to complete his transition into becoming a vampire. When asked what will happen if Ray wouldn't feed, Stefan only uttered one word, "death".

"It can't just be any blood though. It needs to be human blood." Klaus stared at one man sensing that he was not a werewolf. Before he can run away, Klaus bit his arm and threw him beside Ray who looked like he was drooling. Stefan also joined in on the action pinning the helpless man down.

"You have to drink it Ray or I will. Problem is, I don't know when to stop." Stefan taunted Ray.

Havana could feel the vodka rising from her throat. She turned back not wanting to face any of this when the woman who was at Ray's side pulled her roughly screaming why not take her human blood instead. Klaus pushed her off in an instant but he did not kill her. Instead, he bit onto his arm and forced her to feed making her start her transition process as well. Soon, everyone in the camp was forced to feed and vampire blood before their necks were snapped.

However, Klaus's plan to turn everybody into his hybrids backfired. Miserably.

It was straight out of a horror movie. Klaus, Stefan, and Havana stood in the middle of the zombie-like figures with quizzed expressions. They all bled from their eyes and eyes. They also were mumbling incoherently either going around in circles or sitting on the dirt staring at nothing. These people were going insane.

"This is supposed to be working. I did everything right." Klaus angrily stated.

Havana and Stefan shared the same secretive look because Klaud did not do everything right. Klaus still thinks that he had killed Elena when they left Mystic Falls.

Suddenly, there was growling. None of them had been able too to react in time when Ray with blood pouring out from his eyes dragged Havana into the forest. Some of the people were still in a state of trance while others turned violent. Those who turned violent started attacking the two vampires when they were supposed to rescue Havana.

Havana screamed at the top of her lungs trying in vain to get Ray off of her. Though was in his human form, he had turned animalistic. This wasn't the full moon taking over, it was Klaus's attempt of trying to build a hybrid army. He bared his fangs ready to kill her when she grabbed a rock and hit him with it as hard as she can. Ray fell to her side and Havana tried getting up to run when he pulled her down making her fall. Her head collided with something sharp, the rock he just used. Her vision grew blurry but she screamed some more as she got dragged by her ankles to the predator. She tried her best to fight some more. She kicked and punched yet it was no match to this werewolf's newfound abilities. He was about to bite again when his heart got ripped out from his chest. Klaus was covered in blood having killed his failed experiments.

The last thing she remembered before blacking out was Klaus crouching down next to her with a panicked look.

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