Chapter 33 A Step Closer to Danger...Again

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Another thing that Havana had learned while on this roadtrip of death was not to question where Klaus was taking her and Stefan

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Another thing that Havana had learned while on this roadtrip of death was not to question where Klaus was taking her and Stefan. Stefan did it a few times, both out of sheer curiosity and the intention too piss the hybrid off after forcefully separating himself from his brother and the love of his life. Klaus in his usual violent fashion would answer Stefan's questions with a sharp wooden object lodged centimeters beside his heart. Havana knew that Klaus would never hurt her, or at least in that way, but she did not want to question him either since the answer would point to more bloodshed and dead bodies. It made her stomach upset thinking about the times where she would accidentally make eye contact with people who had just been killed seconds ago and their eyes were still wide opened showing the fear they had before their deaths. At least she had booze to cope with it. So, when Klaus dragged Havana and Stefan to a dim lit basement, Havana already knew what to expect.

"Wait here, I have to settle some business inside first." Klaus told Havana and Stefan stopping them from following him any further. He then opened a huge door in front of them and disappeared.

"So, wonderful weather we're having today right?" Havana joked looking around her surroundings. All cement, a few roaches, and dim lighting.

Stefan just looked at her with a blank stare. He was not one to joke around often."

"Right, I forgot you were the boring brother. Sorry, I mean the 'serious' one." She took back after he gave her another look. Throughout the start of their trip, Havana thought of Damon a lot. She would always reminisce about her best friend whether that was getting wasted together, shit talking other people while getting wasted together, and just doing crazy shit...while also getting wasted together. She missed his sarcasm and 'I don't give a fuck' attitude which Havana believe that Damon was roughly the only real person in Mystic Falls though she would not say this out loud especially to her cousin who sometimes annoyed the living hell out of her. As the days dragged on in this roadtrip which seemingly had no end, Havana knew better for her mental health and detached herself from thinking about the eldest Salvatore. However, when she found out that Damon was just in the same vicinity as her yesterday, her feelings of longing for her best friend rushed back.

"Did Damon make it home safe yesterday? I saw the blood stains of Klaus's blouse when he came back to the hotel from the bar." She questioned.

"How did you know it was Damon's?

Havana gave Stefan a 'duh' look, "C'mon, Damon and Elena come to Chicago trying to get us back and you're telling me your brother would want to waste a chance to annoy Klaus?"

"Sounds just like him." Stefan admitted. "But no, I don't know if he got home safe."

"Oh..." Havana slouched.

"But I'm sure he did Havana. I just know it."

"I hope so too Stefan. And how about Elena? Did you at least get to see her yesterday?"

"Yes and it went horrible. I basically screamed at her to get out of my life. I feel like shit." Now it was his turn to slouch.

Havana tried consoling him, "You did it for her own good Stefan. It was a close call for all of us. We're all lucky Klaus does not know she's alive. Plus, you know how annoyingly stubborn she can be."

Suddenly, movement from the other side of the door could be heart. A metal object dropping onto the floor made a loud clank for Havana and Stefan to hear. They both knew Klaus was not alone in the other side of the door. Murmuring was soon heard after. The two moved closer trying to listen in when the door was opened. Standing in front of them was Klaus with his side bleeding but it did seem to affect them. Before anything could be said, he moved to the side revealing a beautiful blonde woman wearing white clothes that seemed to belong in the 1920's. Havana wondered who she was or rather, who she was in Klaus's life. She felt herself getting defensive.

"Stefan" The mysterious blonde muttered in happiness. Havana's head whipped to Stefan who seemed confused at what was happening.

"It's time for you to remember." Klaus said looking into Stefan's eyes compelling him to remember their past. That was when Stefan's look of curiosity turned into shock.

"Rebekah" He breathed out loud.

Havana's eyes grew wider remembering her conversation with Klaus that one sunny holiday in Pamplona.

Despite the summer heat, the two lovers covered their nakedness under the thin white sheets while holding onto each other. Havana listened attentively while Klaus talked about his siblings. It was the first and only time he ever talked about his family during their five year duration together.

"....Then there's Rebekah, the dreamer. I'm extra protective over her mostly because she lives in this perfect fantasy land. Did I mention that she takes pleasure in torturing me too like you on a daily basis?" Havana gasped gently slapping his shoulder.

Havana snapped back to reality as Stefan told Klaus, "I remember now. I remember you. We were friends."

"We are friends,." Klaus corrected.

"And is this my meal? being stuck in a box for more than a century has made me quite thirsty" Havana's presence was finally acknowledged though she did not want to end up as another corpse staring lifelessly at the ceiling.

"Step away Rebekah. She's not for you." Klaus moved her by her hips to stay behind him when Rebekah made beeline for her  preparing to bare her fangs into the only human's neck.

"Then who is she then? Some witch? A blood bag?"

Havana gulped at the last part especially since she was Klaus's blood bag at a time. But she quickly snapped herself out of reliving her depression.

"She's your sister-in-law. So you better be on your best behavior and if I see a single hair harmed on my wife's head, you'll be going back to that box for more than a century I promise you that." He threatened his sister who rolled her eyes and retreated back to her original spot. She also gave Havana an odd look which made Havana realize how weird she must be looking with her eyes being so wide because of what Klaus had just said. Havana massaged her cheeks trying to cool the heat which made it currently cherry red.

"Now as for the reason why you're here, Gloria tells me you know how to contact the original witch." Klaus switches the subject.

"Oh did she now?" Rebekah replied playing around. Klaus gave her a stern stare which made her roll her eyes again before reaching her beck. That's when her playful expression change into a panicked one.

"My necklace. It's gone! Where is it Nik? What did you bloody do to it?" She yelled at her older brother in panic.

"I don't know. I didn't touch it." He said calmly though there was a growing shift in his mood. Havana heard Klaus speak like this before. It would usually be just before Klaus would loose his temper and kill someone.

"Don't you dare tell me that's not what she needs Rebekah!" He yelled louder and gripped his sister's arms who then pushed him away and rushed towards her coffin frantically searching for her necklace. She ended up destroying the whole thing within seconds of failing to find it.

Havana gave Stefan a concerned look. She wished she could communicate to the Salvatore brother telepathically and ask him if the present he gave Elena was Rebekah's necklace. Stefan slightly nodded completely understanding why she was looking at him. Havana cursed silently. The fact that her supposedly dead cousin was wearing the very necklace Klaus needed to fix all his hybrid problems was a big problem for them. Havana should be fearing for her cousin's safety which she was, but she was also fearing what that would mean for her and Klaus once he finds out the truth.

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