Chapter 28 Toasting To Our Dreams

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Havana spent the next few hours in the hotel. She laid comfortably on the bed as she ate ice cream and watched cartoons on the T.V. However, she was still distracted by the conversation with Klaus earlier. Guilt made her existing headache much worse. She opened the bottle of pills Klaus left her and took one. 

Her thoughts then drifted to where Klaus was or what he was doing right now. He said that they were all taking the day off but that still seemed unlikely even for him. She also wondered as to what Stefan was doing at this moment though her gut told her that he was probably hunting.

Suddenly, the sound of the key card brought her attention to the door. Klaus walked in barely sparing her a glance before taking off his jacket. He still wore the same clothes, Havana took note that it had no rips or blood on them which was a good sign. 

"Hey" she mumbled setting aside her Sundae ice cream. "Where've you been?"

"Just explored town for a while."

"Oh...that's nice." 

It was silent for a while until he spoke up again.

"I'm going out for dinner right now. You can just order whatever you like." Klaus motioned to the hotel menu beside her.

Klaus always ate dinner out since the start of the summer travel. Not human blood dinner. Just normal human food. Of course, he would then go on a bloodfest with Stefan for the rest of the night. Havana on the other hand always preferred to stay in and order room service. Although she had an adventurous spirit to explore any town she was in, she knew that any excuse not to be in the same room with Klaus would spare her from taking a trip down memory lane. Back in the old happy times. 

But she found herself saying "I'll come with you" instead.

Klaus was also taken back but he masked his emotion with another reply, "You have a head injury love. "

"It's fine Klaus. I feel better now. Plus, I really really need to go stretch my legs." 

She stood up and began unwrapping the bandage. She looked into the mirror and saw her reflection. Though she had expected raccoon eyes and a nasty bruise on her forehead, she looked decent. Her hair thankfully covered the bump on her head. She turned to face him again.

"So where are we eating?"


Their short walk to the restaurant was silent

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Their short walk to the restaurant was silent. However, it was peaceful and not at all awkward. Havana had her head held up high looking left and right at the beauty of this quaint little town they were in. She had just learned that this town in Illinois is called Galena. She didn't know which neighborhood they were in but the streets they passed through were decorated with warm lighting adding to the calm area of the town. In addition to that, the windy weather tonight also added a sense of coziness for Havana who snuggled into her white cardigan.

While she was admiring the views, Klaus stole a few glances at her admiring the look of fascination in her eyes. He knew she missed traveling and getting to know different parts of the world, and he missed being in those moments with her. But he still had a purpose that he had to fulfill. He promised himself that one way or another, he would continue showing her the world again. Klaus was also glad to have someone to dine with tonight. Stefan was good company for getting a meal but controlling his reawakened thirst for blood in a public place full of humans was a challenge and a risk Klaus did not want to partake in. So usually while Havana preferred the comfort of hotel food, Stefan would be searching for walking blood bags. Klaus didn't know where Stefan was in right now and frankly, he didn't care. He'd show up in the morning anyways ready to do whatever task of the day Klaus would focus on. 

The pair stopped in front of a restaurant called Galena Garden Bistro. Even from the outside, the savory smells of steak and pasta immediately filled their noses. They stepped inside and were seated on a table beside the huge window. 

"This town reminds me of Mystic Falls. And this restaurant sort of like the Mystic Grill too." Havana wondered out loud in the middle of their shared dinner.

Klaus looked around the restaurant and through the window at the street. "I don't see it. This town has better food." 

"Excuse me? As the proud and hard-working manager slash bartender of the Mystic Grill, I definitely disagree."

"Aren't you a librarian?"

The memory of Klaus compelling the principal of Mystic High flashed through her mind. However, at that time, he was possessing Alaric's body and she thought he was just really persuasive. 

"Well you know me, I can't stay away from bartending for far too long."

"I'm actually surprised you haven't started a business yet. A bar on a beach somewhere in the Pacific perhaps? You always loved it there."

"That did actually cross my mind a few times. " Havana admitted. 

"What stopped you then?"

"C'mon Klaus, we were always traveling. It would be impossible to manage a business with that kind of lifestyle."

"I believe anything is possible."

"I've never even taken a business class. I dropped out, remember?" Havana chuckled dismissing the idea. She looked at his wine glass before glancing at her empty one. "Now I wish you could've healed me because I can't mix the pills you gave me with wi-"

"-I'm serious love." He gently cut her off. "If it's something that you want, you should do everything in your power to achieve that goal. Don't let any challenge or person or missing degree hinder you. You're too smart for that."

"So that's the big bad wolf's strategy then? You won't stop until you get what you want."

"Isn't it already obvious love?" 

"Oh not at all." She sarcastically replied. "Now you're on your way to building that hybrid army you've dreamt of."

"Yes but right now I've just accomplished another goal of mine." 

Havan tilted her head confused.

"After two months of dining alone, I'm sitting in a lovely restaurant finally having dinner with you." Klaus grinned.

"You sneaky little bastard." Havana uncontrollably smiled, blood rushing to her cheeks.

"See what the power of perseverance and patience does to a person." Klaus innocently shrugged before raising his glass to her. 

"Okay, I'll think about it. Opening the bar I mean." She raised her water-filled glass as well.

"Here's to our dreams." They clanked their glasses.

" They clanked their glasses

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