Chapter 9: The Return

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Finally, Katherine's long-awaited freedom. She had finally gotten out of that damn tomb. The one under the ruins of the church where she was supposed to be buried alive in, in 1864. Katherine finally felt the soft breeze, saw the skies turn from orange to blue, and smelled the delicious fresh blood not too far away. Katherine's eyes darkened at five poor souls at a campsite. The cunning vampire's lips turned into a satisfied smirk after she killed those five unfortunate campers now laying on the leaves without a drop of blood in their system. From a distance, she could see the 'Welcome to Mystic Falls' sign. It was obvious that it had split in half, and that the residents just pasted it back together than getting a new one. Katherine didn't care why the sign was destroyed, so she didn't make it a priority to find out. Instead, she stood on the town line looking out to freedom. True freedom. It amazed her how a few steps outside the town line could lead to such a thing. She could travel again under a new and exciting alias, terrorize a new town before skipping to another, she wouldn't have to deal with the vampire drama here and risk being found by the Originals again.

The only person Katherine ever feared was Klaus. She could not believe the lengths he goes just to enact revenge on anyone who messes with his curse. It wasn't Katherine's fault that she didn't want every drop of blood in her body to be drained, who wouldn't want that kind of gruesome death? So she did what she always has done, use people. Katherine hung herself with Trevor's blood in her system. This was in Rose and Trevor's presence, they too were shocked and outraged that she would use them. Katherine sped off a newborn vampire and spent the last four hundred years running. She didn't want to risk everything now. But Katherine's feet betrayed her when she turned back and walked in the opposite direction. She made a promise to Damon and she was going to stand by it...until she got bored. Hatred for the damsel Elena Gilbert burned in Katherine. Even if she made a promise to help with their doppelganger-Originals situation. Speeding towards the Salvatore Boarding House, a mischievous idea came of showering in Damon's bathroom when he enters made Katherine's pace faster.

Oh, how she wished that she could see Damon's shocked expression again. He actually thought that it was Elena in the shower, that poor lovesick puppy. It was like 1864 all over again only, that this era has an uglier doppelganger. It even surprised Damon more when Katherine reminded him of her promise to stay and help if he let her out of that tomb. Of course, like the dramatic man he was, Damon kicked her out. It had only been an hour since she made the unwise decision to stay and she was already bored to death. Shrugging innocently, the cunning vampire decided to kill a couple more locals tonight.


You cannot imagine the relief Katherine felt when the fast news of her old friend Isobel Flemming's arrival came to her knowledge. Excited for a reunion, Katherine sped across town to dear friend's mansion.

At last, a black SUV pulled up in the driveway. Katherine looked at Isobel coming into the large white house through the blinds before she hid. A man was with her. He was tall and handsome Katherine must admit. And it was no doubt another one of Isobel's compelled playthings carrying her bags. He set them on the couch before disappearing into the kitchen while Isobel looked in awe of her new abode. Her back was facing Katherine who had just walked out of the room she was waiting for it. Sensing another vampire's presence, Isobel sped towards Katherine and pinned her by the neck to the wall. Of course, with Katherine being older and stronger, it didn't take her three seconds to flip them; she now had the upper hand. Their fangs and black eyes turned into normal after Katherine let Isobel go who finally realized who was standing in front of her. The two laughed hugging each other.

"Nice house," Katherine commented.

"Nicest foreclosure in town." Isobel returned Katherine's smile. And they let go.

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