Chapter 17 The Joys of Men and Their Issues

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Havana giggled watching the scene in front of her

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Havana giggled watching the scene in front of her.

Alaric and Jenna just had a lengthy discussion about the state of their relationship and the events that led to their rocky condition. This included Alarric's dishonesty about his presumed dead ex-wife who was actually turned into a vampire (by Damon no less), John Gilbert and Isobel Flemming (Alaric's ex-wife) were the actual parents of Elena, and so forth...However, in the end, Havana was relieved that they had finally made up in front of her. The couple sat comfortably on the brown couch in the parlor, with Jenna leaning her head on her boyfriend's shoulder.

That was until the witch who was in love with Jenna casually plumped onto the teeny tiny space between them and wiggled her butt to fit in forcing the couple to move away from each other. Havana could see Alaric mumble under his breath as the look of annoyance inhabited his face. He didn't say anything in protest whatsoever as this woman who was driving him mad was his girlfriend's best friend. Jenna too had nothing else to say and plastered a noticeably distressed smile. She knew that Janet was clingy...especially towards her, but the way she has been acting since Alaric has arrived made her question this strange behavior.

As for Havana and the Gilbert siblings, it was still a surprise to them that Jenna was oblivious to Janet's obvious love for her. Even Alaric had an idea of what was going through the witch's mind since she 'accidentally' dropped her bulky grimoire on his foot an hour ago.

Havana continued to giggle and shook her head at Janet who sent her a secretive wink. Janet comfortably nestled herself between the two and casually sent them an innocent smile before reading she started reading the grimoire she told Havana about; the one she dug up from a centuries-old witch's grave in Salem.

All of a sudden, a shriek from the second floor echoed throughout the house. Everybody in the parlor instantly sprinted upstairs where they found Damon forcefully feeding Elena his blood. Elena was squirming trying to get out of his tight grip but Damon wouldn't bulge and just continued shoving his blood-covered wrist into her mouth.

"NO!" Havana screamed in horror remembering what Elijah said to them before he left.

"...oh, and If Elena consumes any of your blood-" He looked at the Salvatore brothers "-the elixir will be rendered useless."

The group rushed to pull Damon off but Stefan had already beat them to it and threw Damon across the room. Jenna and Janice rushed to Elena who was panting on the wooden floor while Alaric and Havana froze by the doorway and stared at the scene with horrified expressions.

"What did you do" Stefan hissed at his older brother.

"I saved her life!" Damon yelled. He then looked at Elena and added, "You're so bent on dying. At least this way, I know you'll come back."

"YEAH! AS A VAMPIRE YOU SELFISH ASSHOLE! HOW CAN YOU OF ALL PEOPLE TAKE THAT CHOICE AWAY FROM HER!" Havana's fists were balled up. She didn't care if Damon was a hundred years old. She was going to punch him any minute now.

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