Chapter 46 Family Dinners Are Not Peaceful

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The doorbell rang bringing the attention of Havana, Klaus, and Elijah to the front door

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The doorbell rang bringing the attention of Havana, Klaus, and Elijah to the front door. The Salvatore brothers had just arrived for dinner and were waiting to be let in. The person closest to the door answered it.

"Damon!", Havana swung the door open and greeted her best friend with a hug.

"Well isn't it my favorite person" Damon hugged her back and smiled innocently at the growling hybrid behind her. Klaus's death glare seemed to have intensified on the Salvatore brother after he let go of his woman and acknowledged his presence by stating, "Oh, it's you. My least favorite person." Damon was not happy with the dinner arrangement but at least he was going to enjoy it.

"And you, still a heartless piece of shit who tried driving my cousin off a bridge the other day?" Havana raised her brow at the emotionless Stefan who walked passed her completely ignoring her words.

"Let's discuss the terms of our agreement like civilized men, shall we?" All three of them followed Klaus into the dining area where Elijah was waiting for them.

Each of them took their seats. Havana and Damon sat beside each other on one end while the Mikaelson brothers took the hosts' chairs at each end of the table. It was only Stefan who stood in front of the empty chair in front of his brother and Havana.

"I didn't come here to eat Klaus. In fact, I didn't want to come here at all but I was told I had to because you would hear us out." He spoke out confidently.

Klaus chuckled to himself expecting this kind of behavior from Stefan, "Well, we can sit and eat or I can reach down your throats and pull your insides. The choice is yours."

They all began to eat apart from Stefan and made small talk from here and there. No one had yet brought up any talk regarding the last coffin nor the deal they were proposing to each other. Klaus commented on Stefan's loss of appetite as he stared at his plate in silence refusing to even lift any cutlery.

"Eat." Damon told his sibling "I thought we agreed to leave the grumpy Stefan at home."

Stefan gave his brother a look before he gave in and ate a piece of meat from his plate.

"That's the spirit," Klaus commented. "Isn't this nice? The five of us dining together. Such a treat! Is that what you had in mind when you pulled the dagger out from my brother?"

Havana drank some more wine mentally preparing for the fighting to commence.

"I knew how he felt bout you so I figured the more, the merrier." Damon joyfully continued eating trying to poke Klaus's temper even more.

"Elijah and I had our fair share of quarrels over the centuries but we always make it through."

"Kind of like you and Rebekah right? Where is she by the way?" Stefan asked although he knew the answer to that question already. "Last I checked, she was still daggered because you were afraid to face her."

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