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"Dominic." I moaned against his mouth as we entered my apartment.

"My neighbour is an asshole, we have to be quiet." I muttered and kicked the door closed with my foot. He bit my bottom lip, tugging it between his teeth and then sucked on it gently. Wetness pooled on my lace thong.

The man knew how to kiss, definitely.

"Quiet? I don't do quiet, angel." He mumbled, trailing wet rough kisses down my neck and firmly gripping my ass in his large hands. I ran my fingers through his soft hair throwing my head back and giving him more access.

"Yeah? What do you do?" I asked breathlessly. Dominic grabbed my hand and placed it over his slacks, right on his very prominent and erect bulge. My eyes widened at the feeling of his thick and long dick through the material.

"Hard, rough." His voice deepened as he squeezed his hand over my own. "Loud."

That's exactly how I liked it.

"I want to hear you scream my name while I fuck you how you so badly want me to." He whispered and bit my earlobe sending a shiver down my spine. My eyes fluttered closed involuntarily. At that point, all I could think about was filling myself up with him.

His hand reached up, clasping around my neck and causing my eyes to shoot open. "Tell me how you want to be fucked, Caitlin." He taunted licking his bottom lip as his brown eyes darkened. There was a predatory lust on his features as he stared at me.

My rational brain switched off - allowing me to completely be controlled by the pure lust I felt.

I smiled when his hand tightened. "However you want."

He smirked, visibly pleased with my answer. "You got a little vixen inside of you, huh? But first, I want to taste what I'm dealing with."

Dominic pushed me against the wall of my living room and I stumbled backwards almost tripping over my own two feet.

He reached under my dress, wiggling my underwear over my thighs until it pooled around my heels.

"Your skin is so soft," he murmured grabbing the thick flesh on my bare ass. "And you smell so good, angel." He groaned and dropped down to his knees.

I gasped when he grabbed the back of my calf and pulled my leg up to rest over his shoulder. He wrapped an arm around me supporting my balance so I wouldn't fall over.

His eyes were now level with my bare pussy and he stared at it with parted lips, lingering a few seconds longer. Suddenly, I began to feel insecure when he didn't say anything and I tried removing my leg from his shoulder.

"Uh-uh, keep them open." He warned grabbing my thigh hard and placing it back in its prior position.

"So pretty," he said as his finger reached up to swirl my wetness around. "And so ready for me."

I moaned, barely able to think straight as he played with my clit sending waves of pleasure through me. I nearly lost it when his head ducked underneath my dress and his warm mouth enveloped me. My head fell back on to the wall as a whine emitted from my throat.

He bit the soft pebble gently, almost resulting in my knees buckling beneath me but I quickly steadied myself.

I was so heavily sexually attracted to him and how fucking good he looked as he ate me out like I was his last meal. There was just something about seeing a man on his knees as his tongue caressed my most intimate part unashamedly.

My legs began to shake embarrassingly and I groaned trying to push his head away. The pleasure was starting to override and my satisfaction was a hair width away.

Dominic |18+|Where stories live. Discover now