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I hated how clingy I was.

I hated that Caitlin stood a few feet away from me looking as beautiful as ever in her small black dress and I was unable to touch her.

With my hand firmly clasped around hers, I started leading her to an empty office with the objective of letting her know exactly how I felt. I had no reason to be pissed but I couldn't help the emotions clouding all form of logical thinking.

We passed by guests, some I knew, some I didn't, I didn't pay enough attention to find out. The only thing that ran through my mind was flashbacks of Caitlin's soft skin hidden by a thin material that was practically screaming at me to tear apart like the feral wild animal I was starting to feel like.

"Dominic." She called out behind me as her much shorter legs struggled to keep up with my pace. Once we rounded the corner into a secluded hallway, I let go of her hand.

"Dominic!" Caitlin yelped when I bent down to fling her body over my shoulder. I grabbed the back of her thighs securing her in place.

Her dress had hiked up a few inches above her ass revealing the plump flesh and unadulterated lust begin to pump straight to my dick. I squeezed her ass hard and relished in how fucking full it felt in my hand. God, I wanted her so badly.

My bottom lip got pulled between my teeth when I saw the blade against her thigh. My good girl.


"Shut the fuck up." I muttered through gritted teeth. She let out a loud frustrated groan and relaxed her body against mine with her arms gently flopping against my back.


I slapped her ass hard earning a yap of surprise. "Be quiet or I'll drag you out there and fuck you in front of everyone." I threatened meaning every single word of it. It wasn't her fault that men struggled to keep their eyes off her and I was in the right mind to shoot all of them in the fucking head.

I was usually good with maintaining my jealousy but heaven knew how badly I wanted to show everyone she's all mine.

Mine to touch, mine to fuck, mine to take care of, mine to tend to.

Her body stilled and her hands held onto my lower back as we continued walking. Her intoxicating scent wafted through my nostrils and I took a deep breath. Pull yourself together, she must be so confused.

I kicked open the partially ajar door and set Caitlin down before turning and locking it. The office was neat and vacant, long forgotten at the back of my parents' home while they spent their time travelling the world. It provided the privacy I needed to stake my claim.

My mouth watered as I thought about how desperately I wanted to taste her and stick my face in her wet pussy to try and quench the unquenchable thirst I had for her.

I whirled around and she was glaring at me with her arms crossed, pressing her breasts further up her chest. Any other day and that specific look would have had me begging on my knees for her but I was so far past the point of rationality that I paid no attention to it.

In a blur, I was striding towards her with long purposeful steps until my hands were on her waist lifting her and planting her ass on the edge of the empty table. She opened her mouth to speak but my hand around her throat gave off the silent warning I wanted it to. Caitlins eyes widened and she grabbed my wrist.

"You are so fucking beautiful that it pisses me off." I grumbled bringing my face closer to hers.

I rarely got angry. I rarely let my temper get the best of me. But seeing Caitlin tonight broke the gates that held my frustrations at bay and I wanted nothing more than to shove my tongue in her pussy.

Dominic |18+|Where stories live. Discover now