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I'm back and I'm better besties, thank you for all the concern. ily ❤️❤️


"Wait, you're telling me that you had no idea the cartel kingpin was your father?" Dominic eyed me with a hint of suspiciousness. I had explain the situation to him thoroughly and his scepticism seemed to be growing by the second as each word left my lips.

It looked like he didn't believe me and if I didn't know any better, it seemed like Dominic thought I played a part in the whole ordeal. That wasn't the case at all and I was just as shocked as he was.

I sighed in slight annoyance. "Yes, that's what I'm saying."

"How did I miss this?" He whispered to no one in particular and clasped his hands together. I could see the gears whirling in his head as he kept his gaze plastered on my dull tiles. A frowned formed on my eyebrows and I scooted closer towards him on the couch.

The same couch where Dominic completely obliterated me.

"Dominic," I placed my hand on his shoulder. "I know what you're thinking but I promise it's not like that." I said sincerely. The last thing I needed was Dominic thinking I was some sort of spy. For as long as we knew each other, an unexpected bond had formed between us and it was starting to manoeuvre into the depths of unforeseen romance.

I was finally allowing myself to accept it and cherish every moment of it.

"I know." He managed to respond after a few moments and a small smile of relief shaped my lips. Dominic grabbed my hand from his shoulder and held it in his own allowing me to feel a sense of security that calmed every inch of my body.

"You'd be dead by now if it actually was like that, angel." He said and I could tell he was feeling more relaxed when he threw a cheeky smirk my way. It was heart-wrenchingly beautiful despite the turmoil of emotions I was feeling.

"Thrown into a pot of molten metal?" I asked teasingly and he let out a breathy laugh.

"Yes." He confirmed with a nod and continued tracing his thumb over my palm. "It does sound very fun. We should try it on someone one day."

"Preferably Lucas." I said in disgust and scrunched my nose up at the thought of his unpleasant touch.

"Don't worry - he won't come near you ever again. From what you've told me it sounds like your father will do anything in his power to protect you and I know he has a lot of power." Dominic said and his tone sounded convincing enough.

"I don't get why he would hide that from me. Am I not good at keeping secrets?" I asked feeling slightly offended.

"I think you're the best at keeping secrets. I feel like I could tell you anything and you'll do whatever to make sure it stays a secret but," He turned his upper half to face me. "To ensure your safety, I will be tracking your phone and your car."


"No buts, angel. That's final." He said sternly and tightened his grip as a silent warning. He held an expression of seriousness that left no room for argument.

I heaved a sigh. "Okay."

"You know, I'm probably going to have to stop seeing you." Dominic muttered and soothed his hands onto his grey joggers. It straightened out to emphasise the bulge in the crotch area which left very little to the imagination. I was momentarily distracted by the sight until I registered what he had just said and my eyes shot up to meet his own.

"That's unfortunate," I scowled. "I'm actually starting to like your fat ass."

Dominic's mouth fell open in mock offense. "Starting to? I thought we were way past that stage."

Dominic |18+|Where stories live. Discover now