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I didn't expect to wake up alone.

To say I was disappointed would be an understatement. I wanted to roll over to my side and slide into her warm pussy but the empty space besides me diminished that thought instantly.

For a second I was hoping that she had gotten up to use the bathroom or anything of the sorts, but the house was dead quiet and the sheets felt cold. I was more annoyed than upset and I breathed out exasperatedly letting my face fall back onto the pillow. Of course she would leave. I don't know why I was surprised.

I glanced at the clock on my bedside table, 9:15am. There was a small note resting on the black machine and I shot up from the mattress to quickly grab it.

You are the shittiest sleeper ever. Your side is your side for a reason, Dominic. Stay on it. I'm kidding, I don't mind. I just got shit to do but come over whenever you want and I'll give you a fat kiss to make up for it.

The smile that formed on my tired face was fucking embarrassing and my dick twitched against my thigh. I looked down at my naked body and all I could think of was Caitlin's beautiful eyes as she sucked the life out of me. Literally.

I had to remember to let her know how ugly her handwriting is.

With a loud yawn, I rubbed my eyes with both fists. I wasn't an early riser, quite the opposite but that specific morning I felt a little bit more hyper and a certain brunette was the sole reason. I got out of bed, neatly made it up and proceeded to get ready for the day.

Yurik didn't come home, as usual.

An hour later I was stepping out of my front door ready to face the dozen of responsibilities that lied ahead of me.

Just as I opened the door, Natalia was standing there with a flirtatious smirk. She wore a trench coat, hiding what I knew was underneath. Her light honey brown hair framed her sharp features and I could see her blue eyes already mentally fucking me. I crossed my arms and looked at her expectantly.

"What? No morning kiss?" She asked, pouting her pink lips and I sighed leaning forward.

"Get the fuck off my property." I whispered in her face, not in the mood for her. She gasped, taken aback by my bluntness. She shouldn't be. I had ended things with her a while ago, way before I met Caitlin but there she was, standing in front of me with the strap from her red bra peeking through the coat.

"What's wrong with you, Nick? You love morning sex." She whined and placed her palms on my chest. I frowned at the awful nickname. Suddenly, Domo didn't seem that bad.

"Nothing is wrong and don't call me that." I pushed past her and closed the door behind me, locking it. I felt her hands on my shoulders and I grit my teeth spinning around to push it away from me. Natalia was a small woman but her confidence was through the charts, it was probably why I liked her in the first place but right now it was just annoying.

"Stop it." I snapped.

"You're hot when you're mad. Why don't you take all that anger out on my pussy?" She smirked and reached down to grab my dick but I gripped her wrist just as her fingers grazed my zipper. Who the fuck does this woman think she is?

"You're testing my patience, Natalia. Maybe I should take my anger out on this wrist of yours?" I asked lowly watching her grimacing face. Whimpers left her parted lips as she tried escaping my vice grip hold.

"You're hurting me!" She gasped.

"And you're irritating me. Don't touch me again." I said throwing her hand away from me. Natalia scowled rubbing her aching wrist, a red mark already beginning to form. I didn't want to hurt her but she needed to get a hint and leave me alone. I walked past her and headed to the driveway where my Audi was parked.

Dominic |18+|Where stories live. Discover now