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"I've had enough social interaction to last a life-time." I said exasperatedly and fell down onto my couch face first. Dominic groaned out loud and shrugged his jacket off before setting his gun down and unbuttoning his shirt.

After having a mind-blowing orgasm on a table then proceeding to act normally in front of his parents was beyond draining.

"Me too. I don't want to talk to another human, besides you, for like a month." He said exhaustedly and walked to my fridge to grab a bottle of wine and two glasses. I smiled as I watched him, loving how he made himself at home.

"I love your parents." I said. Dominic had the hottest dad I've ever seen but I clamped my mouth shut to prevent myself from blurting it out impulsively. The resemblance was uncanny.

His mother - absolutely gorgeous. So beautiful that it stunned me but her soft personality stunned me even more. I could see where Dominic got certain characteristics, the way he carried himself and the way he longed to take care of those around him was evidence that he grew up with a loving family.

"They love you." He replied while focusing on pouring the red liquid into a tilted wine glass. He handed it to me and I took it appreciatively sitting up.

"I wish you could have met my extended family, my grandparents, cousins, but they're in Russia. One day I'll take you there." He muttered and took a seat next to me. My eyes widened down to my glass and I avoided looking at him. Things were moving so fast - I was only just crossing the invisible line into unwandered territory but it felt like I was about to walk off a cliff.

"Or not...why do you look so frightened? Hey, stop. We don't have to, it was just a thought." Dominic said quickly and squeezed my bare shoulder. I took a deep breath in and nodded.

"Don't stress me out like that. I'm still recovering from conversing the entire night." I muttered and took a small sip. My bubble was one that consisted of very few people. I liked to keep to myself, stay at home and lately it felt like my bubble was being broadened to accompany more and more.

"I know." Dominic replied and stretched his arm out on the back of the couch. I set my glass down onto the table and stood up, grinning down at him.

"What is it?" He asked smiling slightly.

"I know you said you didn't want anything," I said excitedly and raised my hand when he opened his mouth to speak. "What's done is done, don't argue with me."

"I didn't know what to get so I asked Yurik but he could only give me answers like 'a mouthful of tits' or 'a face full of ass' which didn't help at all because that's a daily occurrence." I muttered and walked to my kitchen.

Dominic chuckled holding the wineglass to his lips. "He's not wrong."

I furrowed my brows at him. "Later, not now. First," I retrieved the box from the counter along with a lighter from the cutlery drawer. "Cake!"

"Cake?" Dominic laughed and his eyes sparkled with pure joy. "I love cake."

"A special choco-cara-nilla cake that I spent all afternoon on." I said proudly and set the box down in front of him. I lifted the lid and the four sides fell to reveal the three-layered cake covered in chocolate frosting and topped with just one white candle.

I wasn't about to place twenty six candles on a cake.

Dominic's grin widened and his face radiated pure happiness. "You baked me a cake?"

"I did indeed bake you a cake." I nodded feeling self-satisfied with my little experiment.

"And you remembered my favourite flavours." Dominic said softly and scooted to the edge of his seat, gazing down at the circular cake.

Dominic |18+|Where stories live. Discover now