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I've had it.

"Keep looking at me like that and I'll rip your eyeballs out." I snapped at the very same man who had been staring at me for the longest time.

I would much rather have a gun pointed in my face than his lustful, disgusting eyes practically eating me up.

We were in the back of a van. The air was thick with tension and the pervert was sitting directly opposite me. A mischievous grin formed on his thin lips and his tongue flicked out to move in one circular motion. My face scrunched up in revulsion.

Maybe I should bark at him?

"You sick-" I got up completely ready to throw my hands at his stupid face but Micah grabbed my arm and sat me back down. I looked at him with a fuming scowl but he just gave me a warning look.

"Leave me, Micah." I demanded trying to get out of his grip. I wanted to tear his face off.

"Control her before I do it myself." The creep muttered with a smirk and winked at me. A shiver of disgust spiralled through me and my face turned into the hardest glare I could muster. I thought of every single hurtful thing I wanted to do to him.

"Yurik - you better control your boy before I break his neck. Also, I don't understand why she has to even be here. She has nothing to do with this." Micah bellowed at the silver haired man who sat there twirling a small knife between his fingertips.

He looked at Micah with a blank expression. "She can help pay off your debt."

My body tensed and my blood ran cold at what he was insinuating.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" Micah asked, his voice hard and cold. Yurik glared at Micah but didn't bother responding. His attention switched to the knife in his hands.

"What the fuck man? She's innocent!" Micah was persistent as his face turned worried. I could see him regret every single bad choice he's ever made.

"Look, I know what happened wasn't your fault. I'm trying to fucking help you here but you're being a pain in my ass." Yurik snapped, his fingers professionally twisting the knife around speedily. Help him? How the fuck?

"If you think you're going to sell off my sister just to pay my dumb debt, you can suck my-" At the speed of lightning Yurik jumped up and grabbed Micah by the collar of his jacket. He pressed the tip of his knife against the base of his throat and I gasped, my hands instantly going out to stop him.

"You remember who the fuck you're talking to, Micah. You and I are friends but you and my brother are not and he won't hesitate to put a bullet in your skull. This one," He pointed at me with the knife. "She's your get out of trouble ticket so shut the fuck up and stop pissing me off." He growled and pushed Micah away harshly.

Micah opened his mouth to say something but I pinched his thigh. He needed to listen and be quiet.

"And you," he turned around to the man that was still staring at me. "Lower your fucking eyes and stop making her uncomfortable before I kill you myself." Yurik said glaring at him and gave him a hard hit on the head. "I should get rid of you."

I couldn't understand but I guess he told him to leave me alone because he instantly looked away and mumbled something.

"Pavlo says sorry." Yurik said but I couldn't respond. Pavlo needs to die.

My body was frozen and a turmoil formed in my mind - were they going to sell me?

He sat down and took a deep breath in before looking at me. "Don't worry, it's not what you think. We're not going to hurt you." He assured and the tension in my shoulders disappeared. I knew I couldn't trust them but I couldn't help but feel somewhat slightly relaxed.

Dominic |18+|Where stories live. Discover now