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Three days later and Lucas's barely breathing body was still in the basement.

Yurik had his fun. I had my fun. Mr Romanov had his fun. Dominic just sat back and watched as the people he loved slowly take the life of the man who almost killed him.

Lucas begged, he pleaded and at one point he asked to be killed. We didn't grant him his wish, no, we wanted him to suffer. A quick death was too easy. A quick death was mercy.

We were making an example of Lucas, a warning for any future adversaries.

"Please." Lucas gasped, reaching out to me with his broken fingers and missing nails.

He was no longer chained up and even with all the free will, he couldn't move. His knees were hammered in, separated from the bone and leaving him incapable of standing up from the concrete floor.

I towered over him in my heels, holding a gun to my side and watched blankly as he pathetically tried using his palms to stand up.

This man almost made me lose Dominic.

That thought played repeatedly, a broken record torturing me and haunting me. It riled me up whenever I laid my eyes on him. Gazing down at Lucas, all I could see was the look of horror on his face after he fired those three shots into Dominic's chest. He knew he fucked up.

The sound of my own cries kept me up at night. The blood was a vivid image every time I closed my eyes. The way Yurik held his brother and begged him not to leave us tore my heart open.

"Just let me go." Lucas begged, his eyes teary and crusty. The gunshot wound on his stomach was infected, a sickening stench emitting from it. He didn't have much longer to live.

"You are small. You are weak." I repeated his words, leaning my head to the side as I scrutinised him.

"Does your father know you're doing this?" Lucas sobbed desperately, hitting the floor in frustration.

"Yes. He approves." I replied, observing how his eyes widened in response.

"Please, I'm begging you!" Lucas yelled, clasping his shaky hands into a prayer.

I raised my gun. "What am I?"

"I-I don't- please just-"

"What am I?" I asked again, more firmly.

Lucas stopped wailing and took a deep breath in. "You're a woman."

"That's right." I said and pulled the trigger. The shot was loud and the kickback almost knocked me over. Lucas's eyes rolled back and blood started to leak from the hole in his forehead. His lifeless body finally sagged to the floor.

My first kill...and I never felt more alive.


"You okay?" Dominic asked, looking at me in the mirror when I walked up behind him. I nodded my head and wrapped my arms around him, resting my cheek on his back. Dominic was concerned and hesitant about letting me into room alone with Lucas but he also trusted me.

He wasn't afraid to let me explore. He didn't treat me as if I was fragile. He let me do whatever I wanted and if it didn't work out, he was there to comfort me.

"I don't know what I did to deserve you." I murmured, letting my hand slide down his bare stomach as I laid a kiss on his shoulder blade.

"I should be telling you that, angel." He whispered, staring down at something in his hand. Dominic sounded nervous and his body seemed to be trembling under my touch. The last time he acted that way was when he asked me out on our first date.

Dominic |18+|Where stories live. Discover now