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"What's wrong with him?" I asked Yurik while rummaging through my bag for the pen. Dominic didn't even look at me but I could clearly see that he was unpleased. He disappeared into the large house, not before yelling out orders in Russian with a scowl on his face. He looked beyond upset and I frowned watching how his men scattered out of his way. I felt bad I found him so fucking hot when he was angry.

"Do you have any idea how many times I had to stop him from shooting Lucas? He's mad at himself for putting you in that position. He can't bare the thought of you getting hurt." Yurik explained as I handed the tiny object to him. Mad at himself but taking it out on me? Zero sense.

"But he didn't put me in any position. I allowed it and I'm perfectly fine." I uttered in confusion.

"You did fucking amazing, sweetheart. You were almost...too good." Yurik said narrowing his eyes at me and I gave him an unamused look. If I was so good then why was his brother acting like I fucked up?

"It's not my place to explain this to you so go talk to him." Yurik muttered before giving my shoulder a slight nudge with his own. I shook my head.

"No. Where's my car? I need to go home and shower that man off of me." I said determined to just head home and be in my own space, alone. We could talk some other time.

"Your car is in that garage," he pointed to the triple door garage. "and your key is in Domo's office."

"Fine, I'll just take-" before I could finish the sentence Yurik snatched the Mercedes' immobiliser out of my hand and hurried away. I let out an exasperated groan watching his uncaring retreating form.

That fucker.

I straightened my shoulders and walked into the partially empty mansion, immediately swamped by the scent of disinfectant. It smelled like a hospital and I couldn't help but scrunch my nose. I walked to his office situated down a hall and at the very end. Sighing, I knocked on the slightly ajar door but made no move to enter.

"Yeah?" His voice reached my ears and I pushed the door, barely peeking through. Dominic was standing by a built in steel door safe collecting cash. I had a view of his side profile as he counted the money and I stepped in fully.

"I need my keys, please."

His head snapped up to me and if I wasn't a mistaken, another flicker of anger flashed through his eyes. "They're in that drawer but you can't go home."

I crossed my arms. "And why the fuck not?"

"Because you're coming home with me."

I looked at him incredulously. "You have to ask. Stop acting like an alpha male, we're not in the bedroom." I snapped scowling at him. Dominic shut the door of the safe with an unnecessary force and clenched his jaw. That sort of behaviour was only acceptable when he was fucking me, not right now.

"I just..." He muttered through gritted teeth, not finishing his sentence.

"What? You just what?" I asked throwing my hands in the air. "You're acting like an overgrown child." I walked over to his desk and opened the drawers, looking for my fucking car key so that I could leave. I had no idea what his problem was.

"Where is it?" I questioned still looking through the papers and pointless items, not finding it. I looked at Dominic and he was standing there watching me carefully. I walked up to him until we were only an inch apart.

"Where is it?" I asked again, this time my voice was angrier than before.

"Dominic!" I almost stomped my foot in annoyance when he didn't answer me and just continued looking at me with that unreadable expression.

Dominic |18+|Where stories live. Discover now