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"Now, be still. Don't fucking move." Caitlin whispered, her attitude making me want to grab her by the neck and fuck the breath out of her.

I was laid in the centre of the bed, her thighs straddling my waist and her clothing covered pussy pressed against my dick with enough force to have shivers travelling through me.

I grit my teeth in annoyance and clenched my fists in an attempt to stop myself from flipping us over and ripping her underwear off. Caitlin wanted to be in charge, she wanted to control the pace and it took every sliver of my resistance to grant her her wish.

I was two seconds away from doing the exact opposite of what she so greatly sought.

She leaned down and patted my cheek, a condescending smirk on her face. "Good job."

Those two words made me kiss my teeth and I yanked my chin away from her touch. Good job? The woman on top of me had all sorts of emotions running through me, ones that were venturing to a place that I was afraid I would struggle to return from.

"You are always fucking me." Caitlin leaned down and brushed her soft lips against my neck. A sigh of content escaped my lungs and when she flicked her tongue out, I grinded upwards desperate for any form of friction.

"Tonight, I'm going to fuck you." She whispered before I was hit with cool air as she scurried off me. Her weight on me disappeared, her warmth vanishing and I looked at her puzzled, wanting her back immediately. She began rummaging through her suitcase, pulling out a black cloth.

"Come back." I demanded, sounding like a love-struck fool as I propped myself onto my elbows. I wanted her close to me and she was way too fucking far.

"A loss of one sense enhances the others." She said sultrily, fiddling with the cloth dangling off her fingertips. For a moment, I thought she was talking about herself until her gaze flicked to me and I saw her agenda in high definition.

I shook my head. "No way."

I wanted to see her, every part of her. I wanted to see the look on her face, the way her lips tainted red each time we fucked and the way her skin would glow with perspiration. Blindfolding me would be...a robbery of my visual pleasure.

"I'm sorry, what did you say?" Yet again, her thighs were around my waist and she sunk down on me. Even with the separation of our clothes, I found myself groaning nearly forgetting the item she had in her hand.

"I said..." I tried to utter the words but she moved her hips and pleasure sparked through me. It melted down any objection I had building up and I caught myself saying, "fine."

At that point if she wanted to empty my bank accounts, I'd let her. Caitlin was powerful in a way that rendered me hopeless against my own inhibitions and when she smiled at me, I lost it entirely.

Her hands went to place the blindfold around my eyes but I stopped her, gesturing down to the guns still on my suspenders. "Wait. Let me take these off."

Caitlin smirked. "I'll do it." Then my head was lifted and my vision was darkened as the cloth covered my eyes. Immediately, the feel of her body on mine heightened significantly and my breathing automatically quickened.

I gulped, feeling her hands trail down my stomach until it rested on my crotch, right above the zipper. I was hard - painfully hard.

A moment later her lips were teasingly grazing mine and as soon as I strained my neck to deepen the kiss, she pulled away producing a growl of frustration from me. Her mischievousness was going to earn her a hard fucking but I relaxed against the mattress, much to my own dismay.

Dominic |18+|Where stories live. Discover now