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Dominic and I were talking.

We were actually cuddled up in the middle of my bed having a conversation.

He was on his back, staring at the ceiling and I had my head on his chest with a leg draped over his. It felt more intimate than any of the times we fucked but I wasn't complaining. After two rounds I was drained and needed the rest. Dominic, on the other hand, could fuck for hours if I'd let him.

"Ma'am, are you blind? Of course they're fucking." Dominic laughed and his body shook slightly. I gasped and pinched his nipple. He winced and grabbed my hand, his large one covering mine completely. He surprised me by bringing it up to his lips and kissing it softly. My cheeks turned beet red and I pulled it away, hiding my face in his chest. That felt...a bit too nice.

"What did he mean when he said I have to work for you? What would I have to do?" I asked curiously.

"Okay, listen." He sighed. "Yurik knew that I know you and he completely used that to his advantage to save Micah's ass."

"How did he know?"

"Yurik can find out anything about anything. Nothing surpasses him but I'm convinced that my drivers car was traced back here. He found out who was at the bar and you...a stunning woman who just so happened to be the only one from this complex there that night. You and Micah have the same surname and he just knew. Yurik has fucking superpowers." He explained and his voice softened. I could tell that he loved his brother deeply.

"Such a coincidence." I whispered before pushing myself away from him to lay on my stomach. I rested my head into the palm of my hand facing him.

"But you didn't answer my question. What would I have to do? It better not be me selling my pussy." I narrowed my eyes at him. The joke Yurik made was still lingering on my mind.

"Why would you even think that? I don't expect you to work for me. Micah can fix his mess himself." Dominic said before pulling me on top of him. Our naked bodies pressed together and I could feel his dick hanging down his inner thigh. "As long as you keep your pretty mouth shut about any of this, you're good." He muttered but I could hear the underlying threat in his voice and see it in his eyes. I was a risk and Dominic was making sure I wasn't going to run my mouth.

"I'm not going to." I assured. "Just keep your promise of not hurting Micah."

"And risk my brother killing me? I like sleeping peacefully at night." He chuckled and I caught myself smiling softly.

"Wait but," I adjusted myself on top of him to get more comfortable. "Working for you lowkey sounds exciting." I mumbled and watched his eyebrows shoot up. I couldn't believe what I was saying. I must have gone mad.

"A little vixen, I tell you." He shook his head. "This is a dangerous environment and once you're in, I don't think I'll let you go. You need to change your mind about that, angel." Dominic shut me down instantly and I looked at with a blank face.

"Alright then." I muttered and let the subject go. It was insane anyway. Dominic was quiet for a short while before he sighed deeply.

"What do you do for a living?" He asked and my eyebrows scrunched together at the random question.

"Odd jobs. Right now I'm a freelance journalist." I shrugged. I hated the job and I hated the unstable income but work was hard to find considering the useless philosophy degree I obtained. I would forever have regrets about it and a shitload of student debt.

"Journalism? Is that something you like doing?" He asked and I felt him start to stroke my hair. We were cuddling like a couple and it started to unnerve me but I kept my composure.

Dominic |18+|Where stories live. Discover now